"Do I have to go?" He asked. Val smirked and kissed him. 

"Of course. Gemma would have your balls if you don't show up." Val got up off Happy and stretched. Happy smacked her ass and she walked away. 

"Where you going?" He questioned. 

"To shower." She walked into the house and heard Happy's foot steps following her into the bathroom. 

After The Shower

Valentine grabbed a matching black lace bra and pantie set out of her dresser draw. She groaned when she noticed that her bra was getting to tight around the cups. She made due though and clasped the bra, securing it around her bust. 

She grabbed light wash denim shorts and put those on. They fit perfectly and she smiled to herself. She noticed the small bump of her belly and turned around to tell Happy and found that he was already looking at her. 

"That's my kid in there." He stated dumbly. Val smiled at him and walked over to the closet pulling out a SAMCRO sweatshirt that hugged her enough to where it hit her curves but the pocket in the front hide the small baby bump. 

Val grabbed her combat boots out the closet along with a pair of socks and put them on and headed to the bathroom to do her hair. She brushed it out and binned back the front pieces and made a part in the middle. 

"I'm going to head out to the high school where it is." 

"Ok. Clay needs me at the club house by 1 anyway." 

The two of them said their goodbyes and the I love yous and Val went to the high school to meet up with Gemma and Leanne. 

At The High School

"Tell everyone to Leave room for the buses." Gemma stated. Val was stirring the chili that was making her gag. She told Gemma that she's been very sensitive to the smell of beans and yet Gemma made her famous chili.

"Who we busing?" Leanne asks coming up behind me to stir the other pot. 

"Oaldale Assisted Living. Seniors are all compulsive gamblers. Triples our raffle dollars." 

"God bless Social Security." Val states making the three of them laugh. 

"Gemma." Val looked at the woman that talked. It was April. Val caught herself glaring but had to remind herself that it wasn't her fault that her es husband, Kyle, got Opie sent to jail. He was out of the club now and Val was glad. He always cheated on April with crow eaters and it made Valentine sick. 

Valentine kind of spaced out as Gemma talked to her but caught the jest of what was said. April basically asked Gemma if Kyle could come and see his kid play in the band. Valentine wasn't pleased with the idea but knew that the kid needs to see his father. 

"You ok baby?" Leanne asked Val. Val smiled at her and nodded her head yes. 

"Just a little noxious. It'll go away after I stop smelling the chili." 

"You sound pregnant." Leanne stated looking in Val's eyes. 

"I am." 

"What! Why didn't you tell me?" 

"We're not really telling people until after the wedding. Plus we haven't even went to the doctors yet." 

"How far long are you?" Leanne asked. 

"Maybe 6 or 7 weeks. I have a bump." Val pulled up her sweatshirt and showed them. 

"Honey you're either 10 weeks or having two babies or have a monster growing inside you because a bump that size doesn't happen that fast." Gemma said. Gemma went to touch her belly but Val smacked her hand away. 

"Don't call my baby a monster! That's like saying you gave birth to a monster." Val laughed at Gemma. 

"I did and he's your big brother that's going to kick Happy's ass when he finds out." 

The next couple of hours the three girls talked about Valentines baby, wedding, house and everything that they could think of surrounding Val. Gemma went to the clubhouse to talk to Clay about Kyle and left Leanne and Valentine alone to work at the booth. Overtime some of the nicer crow eaters came and helped out with the booth. 

"I didn't want to bring this up in front of Gemma but Val are you looking for a job be any chance?" Leanne asked. 

"I'm pregnant so I'm going to hold off on my porn star career." 

"Not that smart ass. You would be working aside me as the assassinate directer. You're young and I need someone like that to help me. You would make $35 an hour and only work 5 days and maybe 40 hours at most and that includes lunch and stuff at home that you might have to do." 

"I'll think about it and talk to Hap." 

The rest of the fundraiser went by fast. Tara came and went because she saw something that spooked her. Valentine was busy at the booth and didn't see Happy at all the whole inter time. She did however saw Kyle and glared hard at him. 

Soon everyone was leaving and so was Val. She climbed into her Jeep and went home. She pulled into the driveway and saw that Happy was home. 

"I didn't see you at all. Clay didn't have you come?" Val questioned as she approached Happy who was laying on the couch smoking a joint. He sat up and pulled her onto his lap. 

"Nah. Big Otto had this guy that he had to protect from the Chinese." 

"Is he ok?" Val asked. 

"Yeah. He masturbates all the time. Don't go near him, ya hear." Happy demanded. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Every time he gets nervous or something the guy pulls on his fucking dick." 

"Oh my god." Valentine laughs a little and leans back onto Happy's chest. The two of them ending up falling asleep. Happy refrained from telling her about Kyle and the burning of his tattoo. 

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