Chapter 1

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(My writing style gets better and the plot becomes better later in the story so you can just skim the chapters if you want)

Yuna POV


'Uuuugghh' I lazily got out of bed and made my way to my bathroom to get a refreshing morning shower. As I walked into the bathroom I saw myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. My hair was all over the place and I could barely keep my eyes open. Nevertheless I got undressed and got into the shower. Afterwards I wrapped myself in my towel and went to found a comfortable outfit for the day. I decided to wear a pair of black skinny jeans and an oversized sweater. After getting changed I brushed my hair and went to eat breakfast.

"Good morning sleepy head" My roommate greeted me.

I rolled my eyes at her "Good morning Mina"

Mina was my roommate and my only friend.

"I made you some eggs and your chocolate milk is in the fridge," She said pointing to the refrigerator.

She always made me breakfast. One because she's always up before I am and two because I'm not the greatest cook.

"Thanks" I got my drink from the fridge and started to eat as slowly as possible.

"I'd hurry if I were you. If your late for class again who knows what Professor Kim will do to you." Mina was already halfway out the door waiting for me.


"I'm serious Yuna"

"I know. I know"

Finishing my food and I set it in the sink. I grabbed my bag and followed Mina out the door.

It was a decent day; cloudy with a soft breeze. But I couldn't stay outside for long because of my classes. Maybe I'll ditch a boring class. Maybe --

"Yuna~?" Mina was waving her hand in front of my face interrupting my thoughts.


"Finally. Look over there" She pointed to someone who was standing under a cherry blossom. "Have you seen him before?"

I squinted to see better "No...I don't think so.."

She grabbed my wrist and started to walk over the person.

"Wait. W-what are you doing?" I stuttered trying to free myself from her grip.

"WE are going to see who that is." She said to me over her shoulder.


She nodded. I started to panic because I'm not a very social person. I began to think of all the things that could go wrong. What if I stutter too much and I annoy him. Or maybe I'll say something embarrassing and--

"Annyeonghaseyo" Mina greeted the stranger. I realized that we were now right in front of him. I panicked once more.

"Annyeonghaseyo... Is she ok?" He pointed over to me. I jumped not knowing what to do. I hid my face behind my hair.

"She's fine...just a Lil shy." Mina continued speaking to him.

During their conversation, I only heard a few things but I did know that his name was Park Jimin and that he was new. He also said 3 of his other friends joined our college too.

I was shaking by now because of my social anxiety.

"Well it was nice to meet you but we need to get to class now," Mina said ending their conversation.

"Ok. See ya" Jimin waved.

We were finally on our way to class again and I could finally breathe right.

"Yuna your so dramatic it's just another human being," Mina said.

I glared at her "you know I have social anxiety. Why would you do that to me?" I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Well, I'm sorry. But you need to learn to be around people to get rid of your social anxiety" She crossed her arms also.

I knew she was right but I hated being around people. I was only comfortable around Mina because she was nice to me, unlike other people...


I walked into my new high school happy because I was with my best friend again.

"anneyeong Minhee!!"

I was waving to her. But she didnt wave back she turned away with a disgusted look on her face. I walked over to her confused.

"Minhee?" I reached for her shoulder.

"Ew! Don't touch me!"

I was knocked back by what she said.

"W-what? Minhee it's me Yuna your best friend"

"As if" she and the other girls started to laugh.

I ran away front the school and didn't go back until after lunch. As I walked down the halls everyone was pointing at me and tripping me. I was hit once or twice.

For the rest of high school this continued...

*end of flashback*

"Yuna you did it again," Mina said.

I shook my head,"did what? "

"That thing where you stare off and go deaf" Her eyes narrowed.

"Oh...its no-" I was interrupted by the bell.

"Never mind. Let's get to class" She grabbed my wrist again and dragged me to our first class.

When we got there I sat in my usual seat in the back corner that I shared with Mina. But since Mina had lots of friends someone had told her to sit with them.

I sighed and sat down pulling out my sketchbook. My sketchbook is my most precious possession. It had drawings that describe my feelings and some were drawings of what I went through in high school. Only Mina has seen inside of it and she said I am an amazing artist but I don't really believe that.

I started drawing a tree in a meadow when I heard someone sit down beside me. I froze not knowing what to do.

"Hey, you're the girl from earlier right?" I remember the voice. It was Jimin. I nodded slightly putting my sketchbook away. I dint want him seeing my drawings.

"I'm sorry but I didn't get your name ..." He moved my hair out of my face so he could look at me.

"..u-uh i-its Y-Yuna. K-kim Yuna." I couldn't stop myself from stuttering.

"It's nice to meet you Yuna I'm Park Jimin." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I-i k-know M-Mina told m-me." I was starting to breathe regularly again.

"Oh" He smiled again and was about to say something else but the teacher walked in.

"Good morning class sorry I'm late," Professor Kim said.

Hope you liked it! ('∀`)

okay so I started this a while ago and if you are a new reader just so you know the story gets better. well at least I hope you think it gets better

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