The girl he falls for will definitely be one hell of a lucky girl. I nodded quietly at his response, I was still mind blown from what he said.

Clearing his throat, he looked at the note once more.

"I don't know who wrote this and you don't have to tell me what your secrets are cause I respect them. But if you get another note, just meet me at the library. I'm always here." He gave me an assuring smile, before standing up.

The school bell rang, signaling the end of school. I managed to skip another class again, I'm so sure my mum is preparing her loaded gun at home.

Before leaving the library, Gabriel turned back once more with a grin.
Well, that's something new.

" Need a ride?"


"So where're you heading?" Gabriel asked while I stared at him blankly.

You've got to kidding me. Out of all transportations, he had a bicycle as his 'ride'.

"Hop on Sky, I don't have the whole day." He tapped his foot impatiently, hiding his smile. I figured out quick that he gave me a nickname.

"Well we'll definitely be taking up the whole day if we use this to travel." I rolled my eyes.

"You jump into conclusions too fast Sky" He shook his head while chuckling.

I didn't understand what he meant by that, I had no choice but to get onto his sexy bicycle. (Note the sarcasm)

After thinking about it, maybe it would be fun taking a bicycle so I decided to just play along with it.

"To Ever-Field High!!" I screamed out while pointing ahead.

Laughing along, he begin to cycle while I wrapped my arms around his slim waist. Instead of taking the usual routes, he cycled through quiet alleys .

"Sometimes you find the most beautiful things in places where you least expect it..." he whispered, the wind blowing through his curly brown hair.

"Do you get your art inspirations from here?" He shakes his head in disagreement, which puzzles me.

"I get stories from here. Each of us has a story, I found mine. But have you found yours? "

"I definitely can't figure out my story by looking at this" I felt that he was talking nonsense. I mean what story can you infer from quiet alleys?

"You'll find yours one day and when you do, tell me." Was all he said before we reached Ever-Field High.

"Why do you need to come here?" Gabriel questioned, glancing at the school.

"Secrets." He understood immediately what I meant and gave me a small smile.

We stared into each other eyes for a moment and somehow I could feel his emotions. Maybe he spoke through the silence.

Giving me one last assuring smile, he rode away. Looking back at the school, I wanted to check out what Mateo was really facing.

I still was in doubt of whether I should tell Dante about this, but I brushed it off. I heard a few wolf whistles from the grade 7 and 8 boys who stood at the side. Amateurs.

I spotted a familiar face in the crowd– Brian, Mateo's close friend.

He also seemed to notice me but he immediately looked away and sped the other direction. Something didn't feel right.

I managed to catch up to Brian and I pulled him back by his collar before he looked up at me with fear.

"Where's Mateo?"

"Who?" He squinted his eyes.

"Don't play dumb with me" I challenged.

"Oh you mean your boyfriend?" His lips titled into a smirk.

Pausing for a moment, I took a deep breath.

"Yes, where's my hot boyfriend?"

His mischievous expression disappeared within seconds, his eyes kept looking away from mine.
My anger started to boil, if they hurt Mateo, I would do everything in my reach to make them burn to death.

"H-he's a-at the FDM..." Brian stammered nervously.

"What the hell is a FDM?" I furrowed my eyebrows in anger.

"F-face Dunking M-machine..."

Oh my dear lord.

//🌞Heyy sunshines!!🌞//

So this is chapter 12, I know this chapter wasn't really interesting but it'll get better!! Please comment your opinion!! Hehe!! And what do you think of Gabriel and who's your favorite character so far?😻

❤️I love you guys so so much, ❤️

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