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sweet 6

- peach - 

The holidays for her were, unfortunately, coming to an end. She had spent her holiday with nothing to do, of course, except the times she spent with the famous boy band, BTS. Or, also known as, Bangtan boys. Although she had a break from her job, it wasn't the same for the boys. They worked almost everyday, sometimes on public holidays such as new years day and Christmas. A hard working group is what she would call them. Many people think being an idol is as simple as eating a piece of candy - all you need to do is stand on stage and look pretty. However, for all the time she has known them, she found one thing. Something that is sometimes invisible to many. it was that they give up everything for their fans. They practise non-stop for more than five hours, or sometimes, even six. Leaving them with barely any free time. 

Even so, they tried to clear at least five minutes of their schedule to pay a visit to her. And for that, she could not be happier. It was high time she found people like them. People that stuck by her side no matter what. Or what was it? Oh right,


Her time was almost up. Only one day until she had to get back to work, not like she didn't want to. She quite enjoyed her job. Maybe because it was quiet, or maybe because there were certain customers that always made her day. She was not the type of person who would do a lot of sports. In fact, she rarely played anything other than basket ball and volleyball. But as all of you might know, you need team work in order to win in those sports and that was something that she has not gained yet. 

Instead, she enjoyed the peacefulness whenever she entered a park. The birds that sang and the trees that swayed. The image of her laying down on the grass in the middle of the park brought a smile to her face. It was not something everyone would do and some might even find it strange that she did that. But she was herself, and she would do what she liked. She would occasionally sneak into a closed park just to have some peace and quiet. Time away from the lively chatter of people and the sound of car engines.

Apparently, she wasn't the only one who enjoyed the silence of a park. There, in the middle, was a boy who loved dancing. The black mask that he wore confirmed her suspicions. What was he doing in the middle of an abandoned park? Well, to dance of course. 

Hoseok had always thought that the practise room would get a bit stuffy after a few hours of practise. He had only found this park recently when he was on his way to (name)'s cafe and thought it was the best place to practise his dancing skills. So there he was, slowly dancing to the song that played in his earphones.

She crept up behind him. Hoping that he wouldn't notice her and carry on with his dancing. However, Hoseok was quite an observant person.

"Oh, you scared me. What are you doing here (name)?"

After exchanging hellos, they decided to sit down for awhile and enjoy the scenery. The park was beautiful, with a variety of colours and a pond right in the middle of it. (Name) could not understand why they were closed this park down. It was a sight that could only be seen in special places. 

Her heartbeat matched the beat of the song that played from Hoseok's phone. Boy meets evil. What a unique name. She listened to him babble on about how tiring it was to practise the dance while un-rapping a piece of peach flavoured candy and popping it into her mouth. She then proceeded to cut him off by feeding him another piece of the sweet candy. 

Oh so sweet candy. He had heard from the others, that she would always come up with something that would exceed their expectation. A reason for doing whatever she did with them. Which was why he was surprised that she did not say anything. 

"You know, I'm not very good at talking. I stumble over my words and my mind goes blank whenever I am asked a question. But, for some reason, when I am with you guys, words don't stop flowing from my mouth. Is it weird? That I do that?"

Plopping another piece of the peach flavoured candy into her mouth, she continued.

"This is my favourite candy. It's a bit embarrassing to say this but, I have a bit of a sweet tooth."

(Name) Didn't know why she was telling him this. She was personally not one to share about her life. She guessed it was her way of letting of steam. Staring at the pond, she picked up a rock and grimaced at her failed attempt at skipping it. Chuckling, he got up and demonstrated what he had deemed "The right way". 

As he placed his hands on hers, he could smell the feint scent of peach. He would have to ask her wear to purchase those later. It was the most sugary and sweet thing he had ever tasted. Don't get him wrong, he usually was not a fan of extremely sweet things, his favourite snack being churros, but for a strange reason, he enjoyed the taste of the sugary treat in his mouth. 

As they watched the rock skip across the surface of the water, they sat back down onto the soft, fluffy grass. They should do this more often, sitting by the water and just taking in their surroundings, maybe even rant about the frustrating things in life. That was what friends do isn't it?

She wouldn't know. It wasn't like she never had any friends, she just never really made an effort to talk to them. Knowing all too well that if she did the conversation wouldn't last long and her efforts would have gone to waste. It wasn't that bad anyways. 

Having company like Hoseok, maybe, maybe it was something that she wanted for a long time. Always telling herself she didn't need company , trying to escape from reality, when she knew she was alone. Well, with the exception of her boss - who, hasn't finished all f his paper work and ended up needing her help with it. 

Eating another piece of candy, she turned to Hoseok. That day wasn't that bad. Actually, it could be the most fun she had in all her time going to that park. 

Hoseok knew that if ever he comes to this park in the future, he would remember the taste of the candy she gave him and that she was a sweet treat to him for all the work he had to get though to get to this stage. Maybe they could come here regularly. 

Just maybe

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