Cherry blossom

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sweet 5

- cherry blossom -

It was the season for cherry blossoms to bloom, pink petals falling ever so slowly to the ground. The habit that she developed still loosely clung onto her, as fragile as it could ever be. As if even a slight poke from someone could cause it to disappear and drop like the scattered cherry blossom petals all over.

Her gaze faltered for a moment. what was he doing waiting outside of the cafe at this time in the morning? She would have still been in bed if it was not for her boss, who had called her to take care of some unfinished business regarding the shop. Otherwise, she would be cooped up, unmoving in the warm material of her blankets.

She wanted to quench her thirst to know what he was doing. She had been watching him now for a little over thirty minutes. Something about the way he did things was captivating. So captivating that she found herself staring at him from a block away. He didn't do much. Just stand in front of the cafe, looking around and occasionally hopping on the spot due to the cold weather. And yet, she could not keep her eyes of off him.

From what she could gather, he was probably looking for her. Jimin had never actually spent much time with her. well, not as much as the others had, but she felt a connection to him. Like he knew what she liked and what she disliked. If Taehyung was her opposite, Jimin was her identical twin.

Everything she did, and everything he did, they could expect from each other. Although there wasn't much talking between the two, there seemed to be some unspoken thing. The comfortable air whenever they are around each other. No words. No noises. 

Just silence.

Which was why she was slightly surprised to find him there at that time and place. Slowly making her way to him, she gave him a tap on the shoulder. If he had not turned around and shown her that cute smile of his, she would have been convinced she had the wrong person. The mask that he wore covered his smile, but she could sense he gave her a grin. It was just something she could do. 

"Ah, (name)-ah. How was your day?"

Replying with a nod, she gestured for him to enter the cafe. It was quite cold outside and she wouldn't want him to catch a cold from waiting for her. She would feel guilty beyond belief. The look in his eyes when he waited for her was unsettling. It was like he had so many things bottled up. So many things he wasn't able to tell someone. Like his happiness was just a cover.

A lie.

She knew from the dozens of pictures that the rest of Bangtan showed her, that Jimin used to be a cute and fluffy little kid. With his round cheeks and tiny fingers. He would always get flustered whenever it was brought up, but, in her opinion, she liked him the way he is. The original Park Jimin.

It took her awhile to recall what she intended to ask him. And after a  few tries, she finally questioned him as to why he was waiting outside.

"Ah, you see, all the members are busy today. And iv'e finished all my photo shoot. I thought I'd pay a visit to the girl who always takes care of our members."

He wanted to know her. To spend time with her and grow closer to her. As you would probably, I can't say you do, know that he has a younger brother, he never really had the experience of having a sister. A relationship like Hoseok and his sister's. He knew that he would never have a sister, but he would like to make her his friend. Or more precisely friends with benefits.

She stared at him while his eyes fixed onto something in the distant. Letting his mind wonder off to places she could never know and never will know. (Name) constantly struggled with finding the right words to say to him. From her experience with reading many novels, you would have to be careful of what you say. Know what to say. To never tell a depressed person that you understand what they are going through, or just plain out keep your mouth shut. these tiny things would usually lead to something big happening. Like a butterfly effect. Or at least it was the same concept. 

She could tell that he changed himself. For his career. For his fans. For himself. He tries to do things that when he fails, he beats himself up for it. And she did not like the way things happen like that. She wanted to let him know that he was perfect the way he is. The park Jimin that everybody wants might not be the him that he wants. 

Running behind the counter, she dug through her bag for the brunch of cherry blossoms that had fallen only a few steps away from her on her way there, slipping a part of it into his shirt pocket. 

"Jimin-oppa, Cherry blossoms symbolise mortality in many types of art. It reminds you that life is short and beautiful, just like the cherry blossoms that fall from the trees only a few days after blooming. I'll give you a fact relating to these flowers. Although they are beautiful and delicate, the cherry blossom trees do not bear fruits. What I am trying to say is, not everything has to be perfect and not everything can be perfect. Do it if it makes you happy. Don't if it doesn't. Its as simple as that."

He looked unfazed for awhile. Which, worried her to a slight extent. whatever was going in his head at the moment however, was a whole different story. This girl that sat in front of him. Whoever said she lacked the ability to speak. She may not be the best at talking, but the short sentences that she said were more than enough to fill him with so much joy. 

That's right. He didn't need to change himself for others. As long as he was happy with himself, everything would be alright. As long as he had his friends, everything would be perfect. He wouldn't be caught up in that web of lies anymore. Not today and not ever. 

After that conversation, they sat laughing together at a small round table. Seemingly, growing closer to each other every minute they spend together.

"By the way, would you like to try some cherry blossom tea?"

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