Professor Mcgonagall stared at her coldly, "Did you have to break the news this way? Panic will not help."

"No, but you weren't listening when Harry and I tried to tell you the Order was wrong. Right now Fred Weasley should be telling them. Hopefully they can get here in time. But we need to get the children to safety."

McGonagall's lips pursed as Hermione called her fellow students children, but choose to ignore it.

Rather smart of her.

"Hagrid, please get them quiet," the Headmistress ordered.

"SILENCE!" the gamekeeper roared as he stood up.

Instantly the Hall quieted and hundreds of pairs of eyes looked up at the Head Table.

"Very good. Now, Prefects, I need you to escort the students. Miss Black, was he upstairs or downstairs?"


"Slytherin and Ravenclaw Prefects, please escort your students down to the Slytherin Common Room. Hufflepuff and Gryffindor Prefects take your students down to the Hufflepuff Common Room."

When no one moved she clapped her hands quickly, "Now! And that includes you Miss Black!"

Hermione narrowed her eyes at the older witch, but didn't disagree. She was a prefect. She'd see her charges to safety and then she'd come back out. They couldn't force her to stay in hiding, she was of age, after all.


Ginny skidded to an abrupt stop right behind her brother, opening her mouth to complain even as he held up his hand to silence.

She scowled, but bit her tongue. Dimly she could hear what he did now that air was no longer rushing past her ears - voices.

They were too faint to make out, but there were definitely people in the shack.

Had to be Death Eaters.

Ron gestured for them to wait and then crept forward quietly. He reached the end of the tunnel and peered through a crack in the old plank door. While he observed what was going on Ginny looked over at Harry. At first glance he appeared cool and collected, but she could see the tension around his eyes.

She glanced behind to look at Dragon.

He was shifting from foot to foot and the fingers of his left hand were fidgeting, but his right hand was steady on his wand and the look in his eyes was slightly terrifying. She rather pitied any Death Eaters ahead that would try to stop him from getting back to Hermione.

A small noise made her head whip around and her wand come up, but it was just Ron returning. He gestured for all of them to huddle close.

"There are seven or eight people. Three look to be werewolves. None have wands drawn or paying attention. They're young, not much older than us," Ron whispered.

Harry frowned, "We can take them, we have surprise on our side."

Dragon nodded and Ginny did the same. No snot-nosed Death Eater was a match for anyone that had studied under Padfoot, Moony, or Alianore. Especially when they had surprise on their side.

"Alright, Harry, you take point," Ron ordered. "Draco, you and I will flank him. Gin, I want you covering the three of us. Try to stick a shield over Harry when he charges in."

Ginny narrowed her eyes, "What? Are you trying to stick me out of the way?"

Ron shook his head quickly, "No, you're just the fastest, making it easier for you to cover multiple angles."

The Brightest Black - A Dramione FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora