Patience is a Virtue

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Hermione stared down at the blank journal lying on the scarred surface of an old desk, willing words to appear in Fred's loose handwriting.

"Staring at it won't make him write back any faster. They had to get from Skeeter's house to Diagon Alley by muggle means. And you know how long that will take," Draco drawled from behind her.

She leaned back into him as he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. "I know, but I just feel so utterly helpless. If I didn't feel like we had to keep an eye on Harry I'd have snuck off the grounds and apparated to the Burrow a week ago! But I can't trust him not to go off and play hero. He's been an absolute fright since-" she closed her eyes and swallowed, unable to say the words.

He swung around, sitting on a chair next to her and pulling her onto his lap. "I know. Ron and Ginger aren't taking it well either. I'm quite surprised the three of them haven't gone running off after the Death Eaters. If I had a sibling..." he trailed off and she looked up at him. His eyes had gone as hard as steel and she heard the unsaid words.

"We'll get them. We'll get them all. Every single last one."

His lips twisted in something that could never truly be called a smile. "Yes, but who will they get first? I don't think I can handle losing you or my mother. But you mostly."

A sliver of fear sliced through her and she held onto him tightly. "It will take more than a Death Eater to kill me. Besides, I've got a score to settle with Bellatrix. And this time I won't hesitate. That bitch is dead."

"Don't worry, even if you hesitate I won't. I think she was the one that killed my father. And even if she wasn't, it doesn't matter. She killed your parents. And so many others."

Hermione had no words to say to that, so, instead of responding she kissed him. After all, there wasn't much else she could do right now. It wasn't like anyone was listening to her.


Rage was boiling up inside of Harry and it had no way to escape.

He should have been at that bloody funeral. If he'd been there then maybe George wouldn't be dead. Maybe Tachiki wouldn't be dead. Maybe Voldemort wouldn't have ran off after his horcruxes, leaving countless dead in Little Hangleton.

Four the fourth time that day he stormed up to Professor Mcgonagall's office and pounded on the door.

And, for the fourth time there was no response.

He glared at the door and pounded again.


"Bloody Hell!!!"

He gave the door a solid kick before turning on his heel and storming away. Mcgonagall HAD to be in there! Why was she picking now to ignore him and Hermione?!?! Did she think they knew nothing because they'd been in Hogwarts since Christmas?!?!

As he was storming past a window he glanced outside at the slowly lowering sun. It was getting late, but he had too much energy and had to do SOMETHING or he would go crazy.

Maybe a flight was in order. His broom was in his drawstring bag.

Yes, a flight was the perfect thing. Maybe he could even find Mcgonagall's window and go pound on that for a change.

That idea made him smile as he headed for the Hogwarts grounds.


Fred adjusted his cloak - making sure it covered his red hair - and casually stepped into the Leaky Cauldron. Tom looked up from the bar and eyed him suspiciously. Fred could see the wizard's wand lying on the counter within easy reach.

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