The Yule Ball

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In the first week of December Ron visited Hermione in her hiding spot, looking rather nervous. He kept running his hand through his hair and clearing his throat, but saying nothing.

After a few minutes of this she rolled her eyes in annoyance and set down her quill. "Alright, Ron, what's got you so nervous?"

He cleared his throat again and looked down, "Well, you see. Harry and I got to talking and we realized we all need dates for the Yule Ball. So he asked Ginny, just as friends of course. I was gonna ask Luna, since she can't go if someone doesn't ask her, but I found her right after Neville asked her. He figured I was gonna go with you." He shrugged, "Dunno why he thought it. But it seems like a good idea, you and me. What with us being friends and all. So, do you wanna go with me to the Ball?"

She bit her lip and tried to think how to respond. It wasn't the best way to be asked, but then, Ron had never been very eloquent. Part of his charm, she supposed. Still, he was almost as much of a brother to her as Harry, so why did Neville think they would go together? That needed to be added to her list. All she needed were more marriage plans floating around out there. Besides, everyone who knew Ron could tell he was sweet on Luna, even if all he ever did was help her make strange fish feeders and agree with her nargle comments. It was more than most did. And if she didn't have a date she would go with Ron, just as friends, because it would be fun to hang out with him. But the thing was, she did have a date. She just hoped Ron would take it well.

"Ron, I'm sorry, I already have a date. Viktor Krum asked me last week. Sorry I didn't say anything, I still have trouble believing it happened."

Ron's head jerked up so he could see her, just as his jaw dropped to the floor. He stared at her for a moment. A myriad number of emotions flying across his face. She was half afraid he'd blow up at her in anger. He'd obviously felt bad about asking her now, knowing she wasn't his first choice and that she would know that.

"Hermione! That's wicked! Do you think you could get his autograph for me?" he exclaimed, once he finally settled on how he felt.

She rolled her eyes, "Honestly, Ron. Are you ever going to grow up?"

He grinned, "Not if I can help it!"


On Christmas morning Hermione opened her gifts, pointedly ignoring her roommates squeals as they tore into their own presents. Honestly. Why did they have to room with their year-mates? She'd much prefer sharing a room with Ginny over the gossip twins. Ginny appreciated quiet and solitude, unlike some people.

From Aunt Andy she'd received a set of earrings, charmed to stay on her ears until she removed them herself. A wonderful things since she saw pierced ears as a form of body mutilation. Not that she had anything against people that did it, she just never could. Call it a hang-up. Of course the earrings matched her dress robes perfectly. Someone had been snooping. Or bribing Dora to get information. Really, an auror should be above such simple bribes as homemade biscuits and caramel.

Mrs. Weasley sent her a sweater, like always, but this one was a gorgeous lavender, unlike the previous blue ones. The change of color was much appreciated, but she was always happy to get a sweater, no matter the color. She absently wondered if Ron's was again maroon, or if he too had gotten a better color. There was also a tin filled with homemade biscuits and fudge.

She pulled out a biscuit and took a bite as she opened Luna's gift. It was a box of Honeydukes' chocolate. Each piece looked like a little magical animal, and they moved like them. There was even what she could only assume to be a crumple horned snorkack. As she nibbled on the biscuit she watched the Thestral spread its wings and shake its head, looking around to see what was going on.

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