A Good Start

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Draco sat up with a start, losing his grip on Hermione and her chain as the potion burned away the vititus fog. He was breathing heavily, trying to reach back down the chain to her, offering support for the pain he knew she had to feel. Pain he just wanted to save her from.

Then, as he made contact pain overwhelmed him. Flooding through his brain, burning him, leaving odd images behind. Images that made no sense. There was his father laughing and chatting with Sirius Black and a man that had to be James Potter - the resemblance to Harry was spooky. Another of a young him singing carols and wearing a Weasley sweater he had never before seen. They made no sense, the images flooding him in bits and pieces - like muggle photographs.

He didn't even realize he had cried out before his bed curtains were thrown back to reveal Theo and Blaise, their wands drawn and twin looks of worry on their faces.

Behind them stood only one bed with disturbed curtains.

"Draco? What's wrong?" Blaise asked.

"Is Hermione alright?" Asked Theo.

Draco nodded, trying to make sense of what his brain had seen, what his heart had felt.

Then, words came floating down the chain, creating an intense surge of emotion he couldn't identify fully. Though he did recognize anger and an eagerness to fulfil what the words said.

I'm going to kill that bitch.


I want her destroyed.

We have a childish prank set up for tomorrow. Make her underestimate us and bruise her pride. Then we can plan more.


"Draco?" Theo said, touching Draco's shoulder and making him jump a bit.

"Oh, yes, Hermione is awake. And she wants to roast that fat little toad alive."

Blaise blinked in confusion, "Wait, what am I missing?"

Draco looked at Theo, "You didn't tell him? I'm surprised."

Theo looked a bit sheepish, "Well, Blaise isn't a Marauder and...uh...well..."

Now Blaise was looking at Theo in a very similar manner to how he had on the train. "Theodore..."


Draco sighed, "Blaise, do you love Theo?"

Both boys jerked and looked at him in surprise.

"What are you-"

"How do you-"

Draco cut them both off and pointed to the single mussed bed behind them. They turned and looked at it. Blaise was the one to recover first.

"So, you know about us. Don't say a THING to my mother. Got it?" A dangerous glint was in his black eyes.

Draco just arched an eyebrow at him. He'd stared down Voldemort, Blaise was nothing on him. "I won't if you answer one question."

"What question?"

"Do you love Theo?"

"Draco! Why-" Theo started, before he was cut off by Blaise slapping a hand over his mouth.

"Yes, I love him and I plan to stick with him through whatever happens with You-Know-Who and the bastard that tried to murder him before Christmas." His eyes glittered like hard onyx and Draco nodded.

The Brightest Black - A Dramione FanficWhere stories live. Discover now