The Bat's Lair

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 "Let me speak," Malfoy hissed right before the door opened and revealed their hook-nosed potions professor.

The scowl on his face softened a bit when he realized that Parkinson and Malfoy were part of the little group in front of him.

"May I help you?" his words were entirely directed at Malfoy.

Hermione was completely fine with letting Malfoy do the talking. He would get much better results. She was only here to make sure the accurate flow of information continued. Neville was her backup.

He wasn't as fast at spellcasting as Harry or Ron, but he had much better control over his temper.

If he even had a temper, she'd never witnessed it.

It was an added bonus that Neville was one of the few people Snape ignored in class. She figured it likely had to do with how protective Mrs. Longbottom was of her only child. If Snape treated Neville like he did anyone else, than Hogwarts would soon be in need of a new Potions Master.

"Sir, Pansy was attacked," Malfoy started to say.

Snape's eyes flashed over to Hermione, their gaze accusing.

"And you managed to get her attacker to come with you willingly? I'm quite impressed Mr. Malfoy."

"No, sir. It wasn't Black. In fact, when Black found out it was her idea to come see you first."


"Yes, sir. It was Rita Skeeter. She obliviated Pansy."

Snape's piercing gaze studied Parkinson, "And do you have proof of this fact? Accusing a famous reporter of such a deed... It could prove quite difficult to prove. Especially as she has been forbidden access to Hogwarts."

Malfoy's eyes flickered to Hermione and he gave her a small nod. She took that as a sign that she could bring out the proof. She slipped her hand in her bag and pulled out the jar. The beetle inside was scurrying around rather angrily. Skeeter knew what was coming.

She held up the jar so Snape could see its contents clearly in the torchlight. "Sir, Malfoy managed to catch Skeeter right after she transformed for a quick getaway."

Something flickered in Snape's eyes, if she hadn't been staring directly at him, she would've missed it. She just wasn't sure what it was.

He looked once again at Parkinson, making her shift backwards so she was slightly behind Neville.

"Miss Parkinson, were you obliviated?"

She nodded, very subdued. Hermione could only assume losing your memory and learning you betrayed one of your best friends left an impact.

She lowered the jar and absently tugged on the sleeve of the arm holding the jar. She knew all about how one event could change everything.

Snape stepped backwards, holding his office door wide open. "Get in here."

The four of them moved inside and stood awkwardly by the door as Snape strode over to his desk. He pulled put a few pieces of parchment and began scribbling a short message on three of them.


A floppy-eared house elf appeared in the room; dressed in a Hogwarts tea towel

"Yes, sir?"

He handed her the sheets of parchment. "Make sure these go to Roy Parkinson, whomever is currently head auror on duty, and Albus Dumbledore. In that order and as quickly as possible."

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