Joining Up

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As soon as Draco and Theo stepped into the sitting room the door swung shut and several spells shot out of Hermione's wand as she spoke.

"Now that we're all here - minus Fred, who is keeping an eye on the Order and Neville, who is at home. And they both have their journals open - we can get down to business."

Weasley sighed, "And here I was hoping to just enjoy Christmas."

The Weaselette snorted, "Grow up big brother, the war won't pause just so you can enjoy your pudding."

Weasley threw a pillow at her, but she easily caught it, "Hmm, maybe I should be the Gryffindor Keeper."

Hermione rolled her eyes at this, "Grow up you two."

"Yes, ma'am," they said in unison, making everyone laugh, though the two youngest Weasleys glared at each other instead.

"From what Snape said the Ministry is working overtime to regain control of things," George said, trying to draw everyone back on topic. And Draco was fairly certain it was George, since Hermione had said Fred was in the kitchen. "They're crawling all over Hogwarts, sending their aurors in for mental and magical health checks, and refusing to release bodies."

Weasley frowned, "Have you talked to Percy recently? Did he say anything at the meeting?"

George shook his head, "No, that git is trying to walk a narrow line. He's refusing to release anything that isn't currently public knowledge. He did say something about emergency procedures available if the Board of Governors can't instate a new headmaster or headmistress, but clammed up after that."

Hermione interjected, "We'll worry about that later, or let the Order deal with it. I had a breakthrough when speaking with Draco earlier about the oddities of his family magic. Now," she took a deep breath and hurrying on before anyone could ask what oddities were part of Draco's family magic, "I was told by Dumbledore, Padfoot, and Uncle Remus not to reveal this unless I thought it absolutely necessary. Well, now I believe it is necessary. Several years ago I learned - quite by accident - that Voldemort had anchored himself to this world in some dark manner. I haven't been able to find a name for the anchors, but I know he had to give part of himself to make them because-"

"Horcruxes," George said grimly. "They're called horcruxes. The Order was arguing about them a few months ago, so Fred and I did some research down on Knockturn Alley. Creating one involves deliberate murder and splitting your soul. Then you put the soul in an object. Apparently Voldemort had five, but he planned on six. That way he would have seven soul pieces if you count his original body and all six objects."

"Or a living being," Hermione stated.

George frowned, "No, the books said nothing about living beings."

Draco noticed that Luna was hastily scribbling in a journal very similar to the one Hermione had earlier. Were they a communication device?

"Fred asks what being you think has a horcrux," Luna said, not looking up.

"The snake," Hermione answered, "it explains why Voldemort was able to control it so directly when it killed Dumbledore."

Harry gasped and everyone turned to look at him.

"Mate, what's wrong?" Ron asked, looking concerned.

"The not-place... The twisted creatures... I saw the pieces of Voldemort's soul! There was one attached to me!!!"

His eyes were beginning to fill with panic and Hermione immediately jumped up and ran to hug him, Draco could hear her humming and, curious, he closed his eyes and followed the chain to Hermione, from there he traced another link to Harry. It was hard going, but when he got there he was immediately surrounded by pleasant images of the two Gryffindors' childhood together. Getting an idea he threw up one of his own memories of Harry, of the boy denying Draco's friendship and staying true to the Weasleys.

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