Reality Surfaces

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The reality that lay before Draco, on the other side of the glass, was hard to bear.

Pansy had always been petite, but she looked practically miniscule lying there on the hospital bed. Her face was twisted in agony as a mind healer touched her forehead with his wand, a blank expression on his face.

"They say they're almost done."

He looked over at Longbottom, standing beside him, gripping the window frame with white fingers.

"Do they-" he stopped and took a deep breath. "Do they know how badly she'll be affected?"

"No," Professor Longbottom said from her spot on a nearby chair. Harry sat on a sofa near Professor Longbottom, clasping Ginger's hand. Everyone's expression was grim.

Guilt twisted in Draco's chest, he opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Hermione speaking.

It's not your fault.

Yes, it is. She got hurt because I defied Him.

If we follow that logic, then she got hurt because I led her into Malfoy Manor.

His fists clenched, all his mature words and thoughts disappearing.

Yes! You led her there! But you did it to rescue my mother! And she only needed rescuing because I was stupid! I should have just taken the Mark and escaped later. Then everyone would be alive and happy!


He reeled as if punched and looked at her. He didn't think he'd ever seen her curse. She'd always had model behavior unless her Black bloodlust was taking over.

That got your attention? Now, listen up Draco Lucius Malfoy. I've been really mature for the past week, but I'm tired. You said you're chained to me. I didn't get a choice in that, and you didn't get much of one either. Now, listen and take some much needed advice.

She reached out and wrapped her hand over his where it lay on the window frame. A moment later he felt her appear in his head.

The chain cage was still around her, but it seemed to have sunk down a bit, as if it was growing roots and anchoring her.

You are not a skilled legiliminus like Snape. As soon as the Dark Lord marked you he would have torn through your mind. He would have instantly known that you were chained to me - even before you consciously knew. And, even without that he would have known you were not loyal to him and you never would be. He would have either killed you or put you under the Imperius Curse.

If he put me under the Imperius Curse my father would still be alive. As would everyone else. Mother would have freed me later.

Maybe, but not before you did something terrible!

Oh, and what defines terrible? I'd say getting the hand cursed off one of my best friends as terrible!

Theo didn't have to join you in defiance! It was his choice!

But it was a choice I forced on him! I shouldn't have asked him that stupid question! His father tried to kill him! His father cursed his own son!!! Sliced his hand right off! I know he was aiming for Theo's neck!

You listen up, Draco! Theo was NEVER going to follow in his father's footsteps! Eventually they would have fought, maybe at a time when Theo was alone, without backup! We don't know what could have happened!

Fine. Believe that if you want to. But that doesn't change the reality of Pansy. Her parents aren't Death Eaters. They're on the fence. She was safely at home until YOU summoned her! YOU dragged her into that battle!

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