Enter Flash Sentry

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The next day, the mane 7 are walking with the turtles, April, Karai, Shinigami, and Casey to where they are holding their next concert and they were all excited about it.

"Man I can't believe that we are holding our control at the center park where they are holding the flower competition." Said Pinkie Pie as she smile." I always wanted to see my first flower since I'm from a magical kingdom."

"I know huh, I'm entering the flower competition." Said Twilight as she smile." I enter it every year when I was 8 years and sometimes win."

"Man Twilight, you must be really great at gardening flowers." Said Leo as he blush a bit.

"Aw thank you Leo, that is very sweet of you to say to me." Said Twilight as she smiles and blush a bit.

Then as Twilight walk ahead, she suddenly bump into someone that turns out to be a teenage boy. He is wearing a white shirt with a blue shield with a lightning bolt in the middle, has a black jacket on, wearing blue jeans, and he is wearing black sneakers and his name is Flash Sentry.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't see you. . ." Said Twilight as she looks to see who it is." Flash Sentry?!"

"Well hello Twilight, I kept saying this before but we've got to stop bumping into each other like this." Said Flash as he smiles at her." It's I'm so glad to see you again.

You see, Flash Sentry has a huge crush on Twilight ever since they were kids. But Twilight didn't like him because he was also known as a bully and always make fun of everyone and joins a group called the Shadowbolts.

Then as the Mane 6, the turtles, April, Karai, Shimigami, and Casey goes to Twilight to see if she's okay they all saw Flash Sentry and Leo is started to get really annoyed that he is here. Then Flash started to look at Leo and smirk evilly.

"Well well well, if it isn't Lame-anardo and his annoying friends and family." Said Flash Sentry as he smirk." I see that you guys are so getting the use to go up to the surface."

"Hello Flash Sentry, and its Leonardo, it says right here on my mask tail." Said Leo as he glare at him." Anyway, what are you doing here, I though you were still in school after you fail one of your tests."

"Well the principal lets me retake the tests again and I got good grades on them and I decided to come here for vacation." Said Flash Sentry as he glared back at Leo.' And get a chance to get Twilight to be my girlfriend once and for all.'

"Um Raph, who is this guy?" Whisper Sunset looking bit certain.

"That's Flash Sentry, when me and my brothers got rewarded to come to school, Flash Sentry got jealous of us because we got all the girls." Whisper Raph to Sunset." But he really doesn't like Leo, so he makes fun of him and will do anything to get rid of him."

"Karai, I don't think I'm starting to like this boy at all." Whispered Rainbow Dash to Karai.

"Yeah, I know how you feel Rainbow Dash, besides me and the others never trust him since we first met him." Whisper Karai." And I'm guessing that he has a crush on Twilight."

"Yeah, my guess is that too." Whisper Rainbow Dash.

Flash Sentry have apparently heard the others whispering to each other about him and he did not like it one bit and he had an idea to get him and Twilight to be alone so he can ask Twilight to be his girlfriend.

"Say Twilight, can I please ask you something like somewhere private for us to talk?" Asked Flash trying to flirt with Twilight.

Then Twilight started to get really annoyed that Flash is trying to flirt with her but then she no choice but to go with him and Leo got really jealous that Flash tried to get Twilight's attention and wanted to punch him right on the face.

TMNT/MLPEG: Lolirock Love Story Where stories live. Discover now