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Zoe's POV
"I think...I love you Schmalf" The words stuttered out my mouth. Ugh why did I even say it?! I bet Alfie dosent even think of me in that way..and what would Jenna say/do if she found out?!

Alfie looked shocked but I could see a slight smile on his face.

"Alfie?" I questioned as he hadn't said anything yet.

Oh god.

"I think..I love you too...Zoella"

I was so happy..wait no..overjoyed! Alfie loves me!

Wait Zoella?

"Zoella?" I asked confused..where did that name come from?

"Well..I feel like it's only fair you have a nickname too and Zo doesn't count..so from now on you are now Zoella!" Alfie exclaimed laughing.

We both smiled and gazed into each others eyes for a while..just for a moment..I was just us and we didn't have to think about anything else or anybody else.

I felt myself leaning in and I could see Alfie was as well when just as we were about to touch.

The school bell rang making us both jump apart.

I started to giggle at Alfie's shocked face.

"Hey you were scared too!" He shouted laughing.

"Yeah yeah..what lesson do you have now Schamlf?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Um..I have DT what about you Zoella?" He smiled smirking slightly at his nickname for me..I'm not going to lie it's not a bad name..I've been called worse and it's kind of cute.

"I have Art in D8.." I looked down at my timetable as I'm still trying to get used to the lessons I have and when.

Where is D8? And Alfie must have read my mind..or my face.

"Do you want me to walk you to D8 my DT is near there anyway so you don't get lost" He laughed knowing I would not turn this down.

"Yes please" I giggled blushing even more than I already was.

"Come on, lets go" He stated smiling holding out his hand.

I grabbed it and we walked towards the 'creative block of the school' as we started to see a lot more people I let go of Alfie's hand. The anxiety of people seeing me with him started to try and bubble out of me.

As I let go of his hand a look of confusion spread across his face and we stopped walking.

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned at my sudden change of mood.

"Well..Umm.." I stuttered trying to get the words out of my mouth. I was really making a mess of this. Go on Zoe! Just tell him that you would like 'you and Alfie' private..whatever 'me and Alfie' are right now.

"Um..basically, can we keep this between us for now" I smiled slightly and gestured my hand between the both of us.

"Yeah Sure whatever you want..Zoella" He smirked cheekily.

"Right lets head to lesson before we get told off..I've already been late today because of you" Alfie joked and poked my stomach multiple times.

I giggled and looked down at the floor outside to cover up myself from blushing.


"ZOE!" Tanya shouted as she waved me over to the rest of the girls in the cafeteria. Whilst other people looked at her like she was crazy for shouting in the middle of the place..you know the normal.

"Hey" I stated as I walked over and sat down in a seat next to Tanya and Niomi and opposite Louise.

"So..." Naomi started almost waiting for me to continue her sentence. I simply sat there and looked at her quizzically.

"What?" I asked really curious.

"Tanya said she saw you and Alfie together..and by the sounds of it you were pretty close for example him poking your stomach, you giggling at everything he says, walking to classes together all the time, HOLDING HANDS. Come on Zo what's going on?"Naomi said so quick and all in one breath. She looked like she was going to faint if I didn't tell her the 'gossip' soon.

Oh god. Here we go. What do I even say? How do I start? Oh god.

"Look, no need to interrogate me girls.." I started.

"He just kept teasing me thats all and we were walking to class together because we are friends..ok?" I tried to explain..trying my best to make it sound believable.

"Ah Ah what about the holding hands" Tanya teased.

"T - it was nothing I swear we were taking the piss of a couple we saw over by the football field thats all" I was quite impressed with myself of thinking of that lie as quick as that..normally I suck at lying..Is it a bad thing that I am becoming a better liar?

"Oh ok" Tanya looked disappointed like she wanted something to happen and Niomi just looked suspicious all together.

"Come on girls leave her be! Now T what is the latest news with Jim?" Louise smiled and winked at me.

I mentally reminded myself to thank her later and tell her the story of what REALLY happened between me and Alf. Oh come on its not like I was going to keep it ALL to myself I am still a teenage girl I NEED to chat about my crush sometimes.

Word Count: 886

Sorry I haven't updated in soooooo longgggggg!

I have been pretty busy..So sorry there.

*facepalms self*

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