Brooke coached herself all the way to Rock's mother house, the drive was twenty minutes flat.

Brooke shuffled her feet as they stood at the front door waiting for her to answer.

An light skinned woman with long black and gray hair answered the door with a huge smile on her face.

She was beautiful in Brooke's eyes and didn't look a day over forty.

The lady pulled Rock into a long hug before letting them in.

"My baby is growing up! Look at you looking all sharp tonight" she said placing her hands on her hips.

"I haven't changed a bit ma"

"Mhm, I would know that if you came by more often"

She averted her attention to Brooke.

"And who is this beautiful young lady?" she said with her gorgeous smile as she took Brooke by the hand.

Brooke couldn't help but smile at her kindness and it calmed her nerves a little.

"What's your name baby?" she asked.


"Well Brooke you can call me Leanne, about time Rodrick brought a WOMAN home"

Brooke looked at Rock with a surprised look on her face.


"Damn ma, it ain't Rodrick, it's Rock"

"Uh, Uh don't be doing all that cussing in my damn house! I gave you the name Rodrick, I don't care what the streets call you"

Brooke couldn't help but laugh at them.

"Yeah whatever, you make something to eat?"

"Boy you know I always cook, I got some grilled chicken, collard greens, yams-"

She ain't even finish before Rock ran into the kitchen to fix himself a plate.

Brooke and Leanne laughed before starting a conversation of their own.

"So how long you and Rodrick been together Brooke?"

"Oh, no we're not together were just.."

Brooke couldn't find the word to describe what they are.

"What? why not? your beautiful, sweet, and you must be special if he brought you home to meet me"

Brooke smiled to herself.

"I just got out of an relationship not too long ago-"

Leanne put her hand up to stop her.

"It's okay baby, I understand but just let me know when y'all plan on giving me my grandchild"

Brooke busted out laughing, she had never thought about having kids.

Rock came back out with a plate stacked with food feeding his face.

"I better have some chicken in there, you hungry Brooke?"

"No ma'am I'm okay"

"Rodrick I was asking Brooke when y'all plan on giving me my grand kids"

Rock almost choked on his food, he didn't  plan on having kids, not in a world like his.

"Ma, you shouldn't have sex before marriage" he said copying one of her lessons she always taught him.

"Don't try that shit with me, cause I know you been out there sticking your little d*ck inside anything you can find, just like yo' daddy"

"Yeah iight ma. I'll think about it, but we about to head out"

"Already?" she said standing up.

"I'll be back before you know it" he said giving her a hug after placing his plate on the table.

"And she better be with you" Leanne said as she gave Brooke a hug.

"Don't worry she's not going no where, love you ma"

"Love you too baby"

She walked them to the door and watched as they pulled out the driveway before going back to wash the dishes.


Black had been sitting in front of Leanne's house for the past fifteen minutes.

He noticed Rock's car parked out front and wanted so badly just to walk in and kill them both but he had something else in store for Rock, he knew how much he adored his mother and wanted him to suffer just as much as he did.

Losing Brooke and Zavion in less than a month was hitting him hard.

Just then he noticed Rock coming out of Leanne's house but he wasn't alone.

"What the fuck!?" Black thought as he watched Rock and Brooke walk hand in hand to his car.

He was pissed he almost hopped out the car and dragged Brooke's ass back home where she belonged but he had to keep his cool.

He was definitely ready to kill this bitch now.

Once Rock was out of sight he got out the car and screwed the silencer onto his gun.

He knocked on the door lightly, he didn't care to cover his face, she was already considered a dead woman.

Leanne opened the door thinking it was Rock again.

"You came back-" her words trailed off when she saw a gun was pointed at her.

She tried to close the door back as quick as she could but Black kicked it open and closed it shut.

"What do you want?" she said scared for her life.

Black didn't even speak, there was no reason to he came here for one thing and that was to kill someone Rock loved.


Black released two gun shots into her skull silencing her forever and with that he left the house.

Counting the days when Rock would find his mother dead.

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