Carl Imagine (Requested)

Start from the beginning

"Ahah! But you see I've already thought of that, I have a bag outside with flashlights in it, and two guns with ammo to last a while."

"Wait, where did you get all that stuff from? We had to give up our weapons when we got here?"

"I may have stole it from the armory and supply stash." Carl says slyly.

"Carl!" I laugh . "Wow, I never took you for the burglar type." I say jokingly.

"Yeah, well, I'm thinking about getting into the business, you know? Seems to be working out good for me so far." He says going along with the joke.

"Yeah, okay, Carl. Whatever you say." I roll my eyes and sigh before looking back up at him. "Seriously though, Carl. I think you should just go home, get some sleep, maybe your dad will let you go with him on a run or something, you'll get your adventure then, yeah?" I move back on my bed, thinking I've settled the matter and Carl will leave now and I can finally go back to sleep, having missed a bit of it from that noise outside my window, which turned out to just be Carl.

"Noooo, I can't ask or go with my dad, that's so lame, Hannah. He'll either say no, or take me and be all up in my business the whole time, he's way too over-protective and I hate it, that's why I really want you to come with me, and go now, instead of in the morning or whatever."

"Carl." I say uneasy, not sure what to do or say.

"Please, Hannah? C'mon you got me, a teenage boy, asking you to go on an adventure-" He snickers and I let out a breathy laugh. "-at two in the morning. That must mean it's really important to me, please just say yes, I swear you won't regret it." Carl smiles, and I don't know if it's that, the way how he asked so nicely, or the fact that I can't help but melt into his ocean blue eyes, but I give in.

"Yes." I state, nodding my head and smiling. "Alright, I'll do it."

"Yes!" Carl basically screams and I shush him so fast, it was as if he didn't say anything in the first place. "Sorry." He mumbles and I just giggle, shaking my head.

"Okay, let's go then before we make anymore noise and don't get to go at all." I sit up and walk over towards my door, grabbing my shoes and making sure to also get a jacket.

I brush out my hair a little, wanting to at least look semi-decent, even though it is the middle of the night. After I put my brush down, I look over and see Carl starting to climb out the window.

"Carl? What are you doing?" I ask, wondering why he would go out the window. "Aren't we going out the front door?" Carl looks shocked and backs out fully from the window to turn around and look at me.

"The front do- Honestly, Hannah are you trying to get caught!?" Carl puts a hand over his heart and looks like I just gave him the worst news in the world. "I honestly thought you would know how to do something like this. But apparently you have no idea how to sneak out of a house." He shakes his head and sighs. "The shame and dishonor." Carl 'tsks' before laughing and turning back around. "But seriously, c'mon let's go."

Carl starts to crawl out the window and I just stand still, not wanting to move.

I sigh and see Carl already making his way out the window, seeing as I have no other choice but to follow him, I start to go after him. I just pray we don't get caught, or hurt.

I stick my right leg out and go through sideways, before bringing out my left and sliding down to sit on the roof. Carl is already on the front lawn, how he does it so fast and efficiently is beyond me.

I scoot to the edge of the roof and look over. seeing Carl look up at me from the grass.

"Just hop down, Han, it's not that high, trust me, you'll be okay." I nod towards Carl and turn around, shimmying my body slowly off the edge.

Chandler Riggs and Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now