"It was November 15 too December 21, 1864 and it was when General William T. Sherman went into total war and burned everything down from Atlanta, Georgia too Columbia, South Carolina ." I smirked and raised a eyebrow knowing I aced that answer when her smile dropped and she scowled.

"Start paying attention." She snapped angrily and I felt my blood boiling. "Um excuse me? What makes you think I wasn't paying attention the fact I just aced that answer huh? What? No good job!? Or well done? Well how about pick a shit with me when I actually get something wrong or are you just jealous that I know more history then you?" I snapped and my eyes widened as I saw the whole class room including my friends starring at me with shock written all over their faces.

That's the first time I finally snapped at a teacher. And it sure as hell felt good. Her face turned crimson red, "Detention. Now!" She shouted.

I picked up my stuffed, "gladly." I shot back and marched out of the room. What have I done?

I walked into the detention room uneasily but my spirits have been lifted when I saw Jayden sleeping on the desk.

Mr. Harp looked at me and glare. "Take a seat Ms. Jones." He snapped. What the hell did I do to him?

I took a seat next to Jayden and tried to wake him up.





Suddenly he jolted awake and grabbed my hand. "Who the fuck do you think you are by waking me up?" He snapped angrily but when he took a look at me he looked scared shitless. Ha he should be.

"I think I'm your fucking girlfriend" I raised a challenging eyebrow.

He chuckled and took me into his arms. "That you are." He murmured in hair.

"Hey! Keep it PG 13 in here." Mr. Harp snapped but was smirking and Jayden chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"So what did miss goody tissues do?" Jayden smirked and I gasped dramatically. "I am nothing of the sort."

"Right...." Jayden rolled his eyes but smiling slightly.

"I snapped at Ms. Henderson." I mumbled and his eyes widened. "Out of all teachers you decide the breaking point is with that bitch! Oh my god." He laughed and I just rolled my eyes.

You see Ms. Henderson isn't just a mean teacher. She has favorites and her least favorites, (me) she will bitch at and always find the smallest reasons to get those people in trouble. She's a bitch.

He just shook his head chuckling. "Well I hope you enjoy spending time with me in detention than being bitched at for 2 hours by the bitchiest teacher." He smirked. "You will always be better." I winked and he hugged me closer to him.

"You wanna get out of here?" He whispered and I groaned and nodded my head. "Mr. Harp always leaves a hour a before detention is over to use the bathroom but doesn't come back for another half an hour. I think he has digestion problems." He said casually and I snorted.

I sighed and sat up to leave with Jayden high on my heels.

He then took my hand and as we were walking in the halls to the door we ran into 2 guys. Well more like I ran into 2 guys. I looked up to be met by Jayden's best friends.

The one who had adorable dimples and hazelnut hair looked at me and smiled cheekily as I blushed. His name is Tristan I believe. I then looked up to met with hazelnut colored eyes and blonde hair. His name is Lucas I think. Both are major players and attractive but Jayden is way better.

"Is this the girl you can't shut up about?" Lucas smirked and Jayden blushed and I smiled and pinched his cheeks. "Aww you talk about me?" I pouted and he swiped my hands away childishly and Tristan (I think) laughed.

"I'm Tristan and this is Lucas but you can call him Luke." Tristan smile. So I was right!

"I think I can introduce my self." Luke pointed out and Tristan rolled his eyes.

"Anyway. Where you guys heading? Trying to find a janitors closet?" Luke winked and I blushed big time and I glared when Jayden chuckled. You know what they say. Birds of a feather flock together.

At least I think that is how it goes. I just shrugged it off.

"I'm just taking my lovely lady to get ice cream. You guys want to come?" Jayden smirked and I smiled big time.

I fucking love ice cream!

They agreed and we all went to the ice cream parlor about 5 minutes away in the park.

"I will pay!"

"No I will."

"Jayden I swear to fucking god let me pay! You don't have to pay for me." I whined and he gave me a knowing look Knowing he wasn't going to back down.

"Fine. Can we at least split?" I begged and he sighed but nodded and I gave him a huge grin and kissed him on the cheek. We turned back to the man behind the counter giving us a amused expression.

"You know. My wife and I acted the same way when we were your age." He smiled and I blushed and Jayden smirked and wrapped his arms, around my waist.

"Hey love birds! Hurry the fuck up if you want to get back to detention without Mr. Harp knowing!" Tristan laughed.

Oh my god. I totally forgot about detention. Shit. Jayden must have noticed my worried expression, "don't worry we will make it there." He rolled his eyes.

Once we got back a teacher halted us in the hallway. "Where's your hall pass?" He snapped and the guys just shrugged and I snorted. Typical.

"Detention now. All of you!" He shouted and we all cringed but didn't comment and headed off to detention.

The first thing we all sat down Mr. Harp came in and groaned when he saw Tristan and Luke.

"Aww Mr. Harp! It's so good to see you too!" Luke mocked sarcastically at Mr. Harp's annoyed expression.

Huh. I guess they come here often.



Hey my lovelies!! How was the chapter? What do you guys think of Jayden's best friends, Tristan and Luke? Btw they are now in the cast (very first chapter in this book) Anyway I hope you enjoyed!

Please put a smile on my face and...



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