Chapter 8

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*.*.*. Valentina's P.O.V*.*.*.*.*.*

I couldn't believe it. I am now Jayden Stone's girlfriend.

His dad didn't even care he was happy for us.

Once I got out of bed I had huge smile on my face. It was also Friday! The best part of the week, besides Saturday.

I skipped down the stairs grinning like a loon when I suddenly crashed into a wall and fell down on top of it. I then looked to see I have fallen on Jayden.

He then smirked, "Look at that. Your already falling for me." And my jaw just hit the floor.

He then took his finger pushing my jaw up and closing my mouth, "Keep your mouth closed. I don't think your ready to fit this dick in that pretty little mouth of yours" He winked and I just groaned. And you would think I'm use to his comments by now.

We then got up and I heard a honking noise from out side. Oh I forgot. My friends are taking me too school.

"My friends are here to take me to school" I said and he frowned and looked disappointed but quickly changed his expression.

"Ok but, as your new boyfriend I want to start taking you." He said and I nodded and smiled and walked up to Dylan's car but right as I opened the back seat, a cup of water hit me square in the face.

"What the hell!" I snapped and everyone cowardly scooted away from me. "Well um you see... I was thirsty and I asked Nichole for some of her water... she said no so I begged and she still said no and then Sammy got irritated and tried to throw the water at me but her aim was kind of off and it hit you instead..." Dylan trailed off and I just glared at all of them.

Never mess with me in the morning. I sat down and sighed.

"So how did the date go?" Sammy smiled and a huge smile broke out on my face. "He asked me to be his girlfriend!" I said and Nichole and Sammy started squealing as Dylan gave me a huge smile.

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" Nichole squealed.

"Did you say yes?" Sammy smiled and I bit my lip smiling and nodded.

"But what if he's using me?" I frowned and Dylan groaned in annoyance. "He wouldn't be using you if he asked you to be his girlfriend. I mean when ever he couldn't get a girl in his pants he never asked them to be his girlfriend." Dylan rolled his eyes and a small grin formed on my face.

The bell suddenly rang signaling us to our next period which was history. Oh yay. Time too deal with the fucktastic teacher, Ms. Henderson. Great.

We then headed off to class as Nichole and I talk and Sammy and Dylan bicker at eachother over pointless shit as usual.

We took a seat in the very back and opened up our textbooks up to the chapter that talks about the civil war. Ms. Henderson hates me (which I don't know why.) even though I ace everything in history. History is like one of my secret talents. Well not secret because I don't care who knows but one of my best subjects.

I started dozing off when suddenly there was a loud smack sound hit on my table and I noticed Ms. Henderson give me a bitter smile with my textbook slammed shut.

"Ms. Jones, When and where and what was the significance of the event, Shermans March To The Sea?" She asked forcing a smile probably thinking I'll get it wrong for not paying attention.

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