Part 11

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(Taehyung and Lisa)
They eat lunch together and chat. Taehyung asks,"are you okay?" "Yeah I'm actually better." "Remember I'm always here for you, I'll be a shoulder to cry on when you're sad, I'll be a blanket for you when you're cold, and I'll always remind you about how amazing you are." "Awww thanks Taehyung." Taehyung looks into Lisa's eyes and grasps her hand from across the table and says,"I'm serious, whatever you need I'll be here right by your side." "Thank you, I'll always remember that." They finish up their meals and Lisa says,"I'll pay for our meal." "No I'll pay." "I was the one who canceled our plans last night so I should pay." "You've been having a tough night last night and I wasn't there to comfort you, so please let me pay for our meal so I don't feel so guilty I didn't comfort you last night." Taehyung pays for the check and they leave the restaurant.

Taehyung and Lisa walked on the sidewalk side by side. Then Taehyung sees a bike rental shop and comes up with an idea." Taehyung asks,"Lisa, do you know how to ride a bike?" "Yeah a little bit." "I have an idea come here." Taehyung grasps Lisa's hand and guides her to the bike rental place. Taehyung says,"what do you say about riding around Seoul? It'll be fun I promise." "I can't find any reason to say no." "Okay cool." They both rent bikes and bike around Seoul, Taehyung strapped a camera to his helmet to document this whole day with Lisa.

(BTS dorm)
Jungkook says,"I really need to go to Lisa and explain to her what happened." Namjoon says,"yes that would be best." Hoseok says,"good luck." Jungkook drives to Blackpink's dorm and rings the doorbell. Jennie answers the door, Jungkook immediately asks,"where is Lisa?" Jennie says,"she not here and she doesn't want to see you. So bye." "What did I do?" "You told her you loved her, then a few hours later you proved that you didn't." "Do you at least know where she is?" "Honestly I don't know. Here's some advice, if there is any misunderstandings, clear them up before it's too late." "Thanks Jennie. Bye." "By the way Lisa knew you would come so she wrote you this letter. Read it when you get safely to your dorm, it's in Lisa's instructions." "Okay thanks."

(Taehyung and Lisa)

They biked around Seoul with their hair blowing in the wind and looking at all the beautiful sights. They explored the city together and felt free. An hour before sunset, they returned their bikes, and Taehyung drove up to a cliff that had a view of Seoul bellow. Taehyung parks in front and they stay in the car to admire that beautiful view. Taehyung asks,"have you ever been here before?" "No, but it's so beautiful up here. Thanks for spending time with me today. I really got my mind off the stuff I've been going through lately." "No problem, I'm always here for you." "This view is truly very beautiful, I've never seen anything like this. It's truly unique." Taehyung says,"not as beautiful and unique as you." They stare deeply in each other's eyes, Taehyung slowly makes his way to Lisa's lips.

Lisa notices him reaching for a kiss, she turns her head so he only kisses her cheek. Lisa says,"Taehyung what are you doing? I'm sorry. It just feels a little too soon." Taehyung says,"actually no I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I probably shouldn't have done that. It's just you're so beautiful, you're so one of a kind and special, I just want you to give me a chance before its too late. Will you give me a chance?" "Lisa says,"I'll give you a chance. I just want to get to know you better." "So you'll go on dates with me and hold hands and do couple stuff together?" "Yeah, we'll give this thing a shot, we'll see what dating does to us. But you have to promise me something." "What?" "If this thing doesn't work out, I want us to be very close friends." "Deal. Pinky promise?" "Pinky promise"

(BTS dorm)

Jungkook arrives at the dorm with the letter. He quickly goes to his room, leaving the door open. He opens the letter and reads it. The letter says,"

Dear Jungkook,

I knew you would stop by to find me at my dorm so I wrote you think letter. I can't bare to see you in person anymore after what I saw that night. I saw you kissing another girl. You said you loved me and that I was the only girl for you, but it seems like you just lied to me. You don't have to worry about me anymore, I'm going to be fine. Just please leave me alone and never speak to me. It hurts to much to even think about you. We can be friendly when we're out in public, but we can just pretend this whole relationship between the two of us never happened.

Your ex girlfriend,

" Jungkook was crying while reading the letter, he grabbed a book and slammed it against the wall. The other members heard and rushed to Jungkook's room, they found him crying with a piece of paper in his hand. Namjoon quietly enters his room,"JK? Anything wrong?" Jungkook hands the letter to Namjoon and reads it quietly amongst the other members. Hoseok says,"Just explain to her what happened." Jungkook says,"how can I if she won't answer my texts, my calls, or even speak to me?" Yoongi says,"write a letter?" Jungkook says,"she'll know it's from me." Namjoon takes the notes, crumples it and keeps it in the drawer of his nightstand. 

A few hours later, Taehyung comes home. Everyone asks where Taehyung was and he says he was just out with a friend. He didn't want to tell any of the members e was dating yet, so he just called Lisa a friend. Hoseok asks,"why do you look so happy." Taehyung hums and says,"oh it's just such a beautiful night." He hums and makes his way to his room.

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