Part 3

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It was the next day and Lisa was getting ready to meet Taehyung. Taehyung picked Lisa up at the dorm even though Lisa said she would meet him at the place. Taehyung said,"I'll pick you up soon." "Oh no it's okay I could get a ride. Plus we don't want anything to start with press." "What's to hide? We're just hanging out" "no I mean people will think we're dating." "I'm okay with that. I'll see you there." "Okay see you later Taehyung." When Lisa was heading out, her Unnie asks her where she's going,"ooo where are you going this time?" "Taehyung is picking me up." Jennie says,"he's picking you up?!?" "Yeah." Jisoo says,"what a gentleman." Rose says,"but what if the press finds out." "Then they find out, we're just friends. Okay I'll see you later." Jennie says,"have fun on your date." "It's not a date." Rose says,"sure it's not." They all laugh.

Taehyung runs out of his car to open the door for you. Lisa thanks him and she gets into his car. Then Taehyung runs to the other side of the car and goes to the driver's seat. He says,"hello Lisa." "Hello. Where are we going today?" "I thought we could practice rapping at the beach." "Wouldn't other people see us?" "I think we'll be fine." Lisa and Taehyung drive to the beach. Taehyung says,"isn't it a beautiful day?" "Wow, it's so beautiful here." "This is where I like to go to compose songs sometimes or just think. None of the members know I go here, only Jungkook and Namjoon." "This really does look like a peaceful place to think." Lisa and Taehyung sit on the sand and watch the waves. Lisa asks,"so you know any raps." "Yeah I actually know Killer by BTS." "Go for it." Taehyung raps shyly at first then gets confident, and Lisa laughs at how cute he's trying to rap. Lisa claps her hands when he was done,"not bad." Taehyung says shyly,"thank you." Lisa says,"so rap is all about rhythm, beat, but it's also fast, but you don't want to go so fast it sounds so unclear. The only tip I could give you is keep practicing, breathe in between short breaks." "Thank you, I just want surprise my Hyungs and ARMY." "Yeah, just keep practicing and you'll get it."

Taehyung says,"you just want to walk around the beach?" "Yeah sure." Lisa and Taehyung walked side by side leaving their shoes in the sand. They walked along the shore where the waves crashed, Taehyung was skipping around the water, then slipped into the water, splashing Lisa. Lisa laughed at Taehyung, then Taehyung poured at her. She held out her hand for Taehyung to get up, but instead Taehyung pulls her down with him and Lisa falls on top of Taehyung. Taehyung laid on the shore, while Lisa was on top of him. They starred into each other's eyes for a while. Then someone yelled,"TAEHYUNG WHERE ARE YOU?!?!??" Namjoon says,"Taehyung?" He sees Lisa and Taehyung.

Lisa immediately gets off Taehyung after seeing Namjoon walk over. Taehyung says,"oh hi Hyung, what are you doing here?" "Oh I was wondering where you were." "Well I'm right here. Bye now." Taehyung tries to turn around, but then Namjoon stops him. "Wait a minute, I think you have some explaining to do." "Explain what?" "Explain why I caught Lisa from Blackpink on top of you at the beach. Nice to meet you by the way." Lisa smiles and says,"Nice to meet you too." Taehyung says,"Lisa is here to teach me to rap." "But I rap, and she...ohhhhhhh." Namjoon winks at Taehyung understanding what he's trying to do. Taehyung says,"yeah, so that's why Lisa is teaching me how to rap and not you. Just don't tell the other members." "Got you, okay you two carry on, I won't bother you. Have fun." Taehyung punches Namjoon's arm when Lisa wasn't looking. Lisa and Taehyung continue to walk along the beach and they splash each other. Namjoon goes back to the BTS dorm.

When Namjoon enters the dorm, Jungkook was playing video games, Jin was cooking, Yoongi and Hoseok were not at the dorm, and Jimin was just watching Jin cook and talking to him. Jungkook asks,"did you find him?" Namjoon says,"yeah he's at the spot..." Jin says,"what spot?" Jungkook says,"where Taehyung Hyung likes to think and relax." Jimin says,"he just goes there alone?" Namjoon says,"actually about that..." Jin says,"is he with his Hwarang Hyungs again?" Jungkook says,"I bet he is." Namjoon says,"nope, Taehyung was with a girl. When I was trying to look for Taehyung they were in the water and she was on top of him." Jimin says,"really? How do we not know about this mystery woman?" Namjoon says,"I don't know. He doesn't want anyone to know so I can't tell you guys anything." Jin says,"awww, maybe we should invite them for dinner." Jungkook says,"good idea." Jimin says,"if Taehyung is hiding a relationship, what other things can the other members be hiding?" Every looks at each other in shock. Namjoon says,"Is there really anything you guys are hiding?"

Jungkook says,"I do have one thing." Jin says,"oooo, say it." Jungkook says,"yesterday I also met with a girl, we met secretly in a dance studio, and we almost kissed." Everyone started jumping and screaming in excitement. Namjoon says,"so who's the girl?" Jungkook says,"Lisa from Blackpink." Namjoon asks,"who?!?!?" "Lisa from Blackpink, we almost kissed yesterday and I'm seeing her tomorrow again." Namjoon was shocked and tried his best to hide his emotions. Jin says,"Namjoon, what's wrong? You look like you are hiding something." Namjoon says,"oh nothing, let's not tell anyone else Jungkook almost kissed Lisa because it's the missing members fault that they missed out on such a wonderful conversation, right?" Jimin says,"I guess so." Namjoon says,"we can tell them, but right now is not a good time, it's fun hiding things. So don't tell Taehyung, Yoongi, or Hoseok." Jin says,"got it." Namjoon says,"also don't nag Taehyung to ask him who the girl is, he might get super mad. Okay bye now." Jungkook says,"didn't you just get here?" "Yeah but um, I need some dog food for the dog." Jin says,"what dog?" "Um my dog at home, duh. I'm visiting my family. Bye." He breaks the doorknob,"oh whoops, I'll fix that later. Bye." Namjoon leaves. Jimin says,"that Hyung is acting stranger than usual." Jin says,"yeah he's hiding something."

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