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I was frozen in time as the room heaved around me to the beat of the dirty music. Steamy sweat and sweet perfume mixed into a fusion of aphrodisia as skin found skin and people sang and chanted all around me. It was pure chaos and I loved it.

He came in from the front door and surveyed the room in one sweeping glance. His dark eyes saw everything at once but they lingered on me for a moment longer than they should have - and that's all it took. I was smitten at first sight. I ate him up, his dark scruffy hair, his alabaster white skin, his soft lips. He was the shining example of contrast, white skin on black everything. His leather jacket stood out against a sea of lively colours and sports blazers. The black leather wrapped tight around his waist and gave way to his skinny black jeans. In a room where everyone was trying to fit in, he was standing out.

I didn't see her behind him but I am pretty sure she saw me - and my eyes. It didn't matter, he had stolen me as soon as he walked in the room. He wasn't like anyone else I had ever met, it was as if I had finally found a soul as tormented as my own and I didn't even know his name.

A quick tug at my arm broke my trance. It was Jakob, he had found me again.

"Oh good," he said sarcastically, "Seth and Veronica came..."

So that was his name, Seth.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"They're nobodies. Come on, you promised me a drink, remember?"

I did remember and I smiled back at him as he led me through the dance floor to the backyard. But as I slid past the sweaty crowd I couldn't shake the image of Seth or Jakob's harsh words. Seth was a nobody. I knew how that felt.

It wasn't so crazy outside, everyone had sorted themselves into little groups and were mingling in closed circles. It was gossip central and I could feel the eyes on me as Jakob led on toward a table full of drinks.

"What's your poison?" He asked.

"I don't mind, what are you having?"

"I'm a vodka man," he smiled as he poured two cups with a healthy mix of Coke.

We toasted each other and he asked me what I thought.

"It's good," I said sipping the drink, it was harsh like mouthwash, "but I don't really know anyone."

"Oh that's alright," he smiled, "I was going to try and keep you all to myself, but I guess I'd better introduce you to some people."

Jakob had a funny way of speaking to me. It was obvious he liked to tease, but he did it in such a light-hearted way that it made me feel like I'd known him for years. He dragged me over to a couple of girls giggling by the back fence.

"Girls," he announced, "this is Alexandra, she's the new girl. Alex, this is Shae and Bailey."

First meetings are always awkward but they made it easy. Shae was the little one, but she looked beautiful. Her black hair fell straight down her back and perfectly framed her flawlessly dark skin. She had a fire in her eyes but her smile was so bubbly it made me want to just be in her presence. Bailey was different. She was quiet and reserved, you could tell straight away by her crossed arms. She had sandy blonde hair that thinly snaked down her shoulders, tired eyes and a face that held the remnants of fading freckles.

"So you're the new girl, huh?" Bailey asked disinterestedly.

"Shut up, Bails." Shae cut in, "Alex... I can call you Alex, yeah? Finish your drink, it's time for refills."

She made me smile. I liked her no nonsense attitude. I drained my cup and did my best not to gag. Where had Jakob gone? He disappeared into thin air again. Shae poured me a drink and looked me up and down as a cheeky smile broke across her face.

Hollow: A Fallen Angel NovelWhere stories live. Discover now