"Simple," Alex replied. "She's fucking Lena Luthor. Say whatever else you will about the Luthors, they're all bloody geniuses. Maybe Lena had something set up in her lab for just this set of circumstances. Kara goes walking into Lena's lab, tells her who she is, and Lena pushes a button. WHAM! Kara is down for the count." Alex shook her head. "Kara shouldn't have gone to Lena's lab. It's her power base."

"Uh...aren't we going to Lena's lab, Danvers?"

"We have to. That's where Lena is holding Kara...probably."

Maggie sighed. "I hate this plan. I hate that we don't really have a plan. I hate that we didn't even have lunch." Their car hit a pothole, and they jumped suddenly. Maggie smashed her fist into the horn several times, making it blare. "I fucking hate this whole world!"

"Hey, hey, easy sweetie," Alex said, running her hand up her girlfriend's arm. "I get it. I feel it too. Let's just get over to L-Corp and do what we can to free Kara. Once we've got her back, we still need to get Lena on our side. Without Lena, none of this works." They hit another pothole, and Alex grimaced at the look on Maggie's face. "Honey, just slow down and try to avoid the potholes. No one wants to get Kara back more than I do, but a flat tire won't make that happen any faster. Also, we have a passenger in the trunk."

Maggie took in a deep breath through her nose, letting it out through her mouth. "Sorry. How long will he be out?"

"Hours. If we aren't back with Kara by then, it won't matter."

They arrived at Luthor Corp about fifteen minutes later, parking underneath the building and taking the elevator to the first floor. They stopped at security, seeing a guard who smiled brightly at Alex but who she'd never seen before.

"Hey, Dr. D," The man said, his gray Luthor Corp uniform pressed sharply. "You didn't just take the elevator up to see your sister?"

"Actually, I'm here to see my sister-in-law," Alex replied, trying to seem calm and meek.

"Oh, okay. Is there a problem with the executive elevator?"

"No, I..." Alex flicked her eyes at Maggie.

"You having a problem with your badge?" The guard asked.

"Yes," Alex said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Ugh. This is so stupid. Can you help me? I nuked it."

"What do you mean, nuked it?"

"I mean I put it in my microwave. It was on a plate of food, and it went through my microwave and..." Alex shook her head. "There were sparks, melting plastic. I don't think I can use my microwave anymore."

"Oh, okay. Well, at least you didn't flush it down the toilet. You'd be amazed by how many of those we get every month. Destroying it is much better. I'll still have to deactivate it from the system." He typed, waiting for something to process as he looked over at Maggie, eyeing her up and down. After a moment, his system beeped. "Well, that's done. I'll set you up with a new badge."

"Thanks," Alex said smiling.

"For you? Anything, Dr. D. My gout is much better, by the way. Thanks for suggesting that new diet."

"Oh, well diet can be a huge factor in gout," Alex said, vaguely remembering something from med school, but not much.

"Okay, I've pulled up your previous profile, so we don't have to reinvent the wheel here," The guard said. "We just need to authenticate your identity first," the guard said.

"Oh, like my driver's license?" Alex asked.

The guard scoffed. "Here? Nah, we need your hand print, retinal scan..." He leaned forward smiling. "Bra size."

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