Chapter 13: Two Dialysis Machines and a Crapload of Liquid Nitrogen

Start from the beginning

"Agent Danvers." J'onn leaned in closely to Alex and spoke in hushed tones. "Are you telling me Supergirl has PMS?"

"In less clinical and simplistic terms...yes," Alex replied.

"I...why couldn't I have sons?" J'onn mumbled rubbing at his forehead. "All right, Agent Danvers. What do you suggest?"

"I'd suggest letting her go with whichever team she wishes to travel with...Sir. I think she'll be more effective, more focused, don't you?"

J'onn sighed. "I suppose."

"Oh, I'd also get her pizza with mozzarella cheese. She gets hangry...especially this time of the month." Alex added that last bit in a whisper.

"I'll add that to her file, about the cheese I mean. Thank you, Agent Danvers. I'll have to make some changes to the teams based on your recommendations. As always, your input is appreciated."

"Oh...uh...of course, Sir," Alex replied, heading back over to Kara.

"How'd it go?" Kara whispered to her sister.

"Like a charm. My input is always appreciated. We'll be working together, and you'll be getting mozzarella cheese from now on."

"Mmmmm." Kara smiled. "Now I want cheese sticks. Can we get cheese sticks afterward?"

"People shouldn't eat cheese. Lactose is bad for humans."

"Good thing I'm not human," Kara replied with a smirk.

"Okay people. I'm going to be sending over some new assignments. Everyone go and gear up!" J'onn said as people started to walk out of the Command Center. As soon as the place had cleared out, he walked over to Winn. "Mr. Schott, I need you to do something for me."

"Sure, what's up?"

"I need Alex's tracker located right now."

"But...she was just in the room."

"Just do it," J'onn replied.

"Okay, but she just walked out the door and..." Winn was clicking away at his keyboard, but the smile fell off his face as he leaned his head to the side. "Okay, that's weird. I can't get a ping. Something must be wrong with her tracker."

"Don't tell anyone about this."

"But it's a technical issue. We can't let her go into the field with a bad tracker. What if she—"

"I don't think that's Alex Danvers," J'onn stated flatly.

"What?" Winn stared but then pointed at J'onn and laughed. "Okay, not funny. That's not funny. You're getting all Martian shape changer on me, right?"

"No. I don't know who that is, but I'm going to find out. The occasional surface thought felt like Alex, but there was something odd also. I'm not sure that was Kara either."

"J'onn, they flew in here. Who else could it have been?"

"I'm going on the mission with them. I'll let you know. Don't tell anyone else about this."

"Who would I tell?" Winn said as J'onn walked off. "No really, that wasn't a rhetorical question. Who would I tell? I'm alone in here."


Alex sat in the back of the truck, plastered as close to her sister as she could get. Director Hank Henshaw sat in the row across from them, his eyes closed, as if asleep. Alex was certain he was awake. They were driving down a bumpy road toward unknown danger. Only a crazy person could be asleep. Maybe Hank Henshaw was crazy. Alex looked over at her sister who also had her eyes closed, a serene look on the Kryptonian's face. Maybe her sister was crazy. Alex sighed loudly, trying to get the strap of her rifle into a comfortable place yet again and yet again failing. She was starting to feel like she was the only sane person on this whole planet.

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