Chapter 2: Holy Guacamole.

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~September 1st~

The next morning, Riley woke up and walked to the bathroom and took her shower. She made sure to use all of her best soaps.

When she finally stepped out, she smelt like warm sugar, a sweet smell of cinnamon toast and sugar cookies. Going to her mirror, she started to apply some foundation, and then she moved onto her eyes, giving herself the perfect cat eye look, while still looking modest. She pulled out her mascara and put it on huge clumps, accentuating her already long eyelashes. So much for being modest, she giggled. Feeling satisfied, she applied a quick strip of blush before puckering her lips. She quickly applied a shocking shade of red lipstick and smiled.

Content with her makeup, she tackled her hair. Earlier in the summer, she had dyed her hair with the perfect ombré look, but now it was only blonde at the tips and her brunette hair was shining through. She frowned and played around with it, she'd have to go to the hairdresser soon.

Luckily, her hair wasn't too hard to tackle, so she took out her straightener and went to work. A half hour later, she looked stunning.

Smiling, she walked to her clothing pile and slipped on her outfit. She admired herself in the mirror before taking out her phone to take a selfie and post it on her wall.

"First day of school! ;)"

Her photo got 57 likes and 13 comments in a minute but she didn't care. She just wanted to receive the same reaction at school, she wanted to feel powerful.

Walking down the stairs, she stood with her shoulders back and a smile on her face. Today was going to rule.

Riley skipped into the kitchen, visioning her classmates bowing down to her, begging for forgiveness, doing her homework, trying to be her friend-

"Morning Honey," her dad said when he spotted her.

"Morning," she chirped, taking her spot at the table. Her mum was doing the dishes and her dad was reading the newspaper while her younger brother, Miles, who was a junior at her school, was playing on his phone.

Riley's mum spoke, smiling, "Riley, honey, can you drive your brother to school please?"

Riley grunted and her brother groaned.

"Riley's dressed like a sl*t, mum. I can't be seen with her in public," he complained.

Mrs. Trudy looked shocked. "Miles Trudy, how dare you say that? Apologize."

"Sorry Riley," Miles chanted. But he couldn't help himself and he also whispered, low enough that his mum didn't hear, "Sl*t."

Riley was fast to hit her brother in the shoulder, making him cry out and now she retorted, "It's not like I'm any different from the people you 'date.'"

"Riley Trudy! I raised you better than this! You don't hit!"

Mumbling an apology, Riley headed to her car and drove to school, ignoring her brother's cries: "Mum, she should get grounded!", "Mum. she should be punished!"... blah blah blah. She turned to a radio channel to ignore her brother's pleas and started singing along.

" 'Cause you got that ONE thing!' "

She continued singing along until Miles jumped into the passenger seat and stuck his tongue out at her, "Mum's pissed now."

Riley rolled her eyes, "Yeah, no thanks to you doofus."

When she finally arrived at school, she took a deep breath and chanted to herself, I can do this, I can do this, I'm awesome, I'm amazing...

"Um Riley? You going to come out or not?" Miles interrupted, right as she got her heart rate down. Riley glared at him and said, "Don't worry, I'm coming," before stepping out of the car.

The chatter of students slowed to a stop as everyone turned to look at her. Whispers broke through, 'Is that Riley Trudy?', 'No way!', 'She's hot!', 'Holy guacamole!'.

Riley smiled at the whispers and went up to a popular jock, not as popular as Oliver, but popular enough, and said, "Hi," batting her eyelashes and giving him her best I'm flirting with you face, "what's your name?"

The jock looked startled but smiled and started to respond when he got cut off. A certain boy with blonde hair had pushed himself to the front and wrapped his arm around Riley. His blue eyes twinkled when he whispered huskily,

"Riley Trudy. I thought we were dating? That means no more flirting with other guys."

The gasps that surrounded them was shocking, but all Riley did was pout, "But it's so much fun!"

"Oh Riley, you naughty girl, what am I going to do with you?"

Riley almost squealed before she came to her senses and flirted back.

"I wouldn't know, can you tell me? Please?"

Oliver broke her off by shoving his tongue down her throat. She was surprised but reacted quickly, weaving her hands through his hair, as they played tonsil tennis.

Slowly the gathered crowd started to disperse and it was just Oliver and Riley. They broke apart. He looked at her and smirked. "You, Riley Trudy, are my girlfriend. Don't go around playing with guys like Elijah."

With that, he left, leaving Riley flabbergasted. She didn't know what just happened, one thing was for sure, she just become Little Miss Popular.


In their first class, a question that had been bugging Riley was asked.

"Oli, how'd you get my number?"

Oliver shrugged and responded, "You were friends with Colton right? Well, one day, I saw you at the mall and you were looking very hot, so I asked Colton and he gave me your number. It's simple, really."


And that was that. Riley's first day went by fabulously and she couldn't have been more pleased.



It's just a smidge longer, so, feedback? Do you guys like it so far?

What do you guys think of Riley and Oliver?

Thanks for reading!

~Letswrite2011 (with her very own Ron, united_we_pie)

Picture of Oliver on the side >>>>>>>>>

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