Chapter 1: OH. MY. GOD.

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~August 30~

Riley Trudy was jumping up and down. She twirled spontaneously while walking down the street. She was so happy she started hugging random strangers she passed, while screaming: "I did it!"

She had done it, in fact. An hour ago, she had received a call from an unknown number.


The voice was one of boy's, a mature boy at that. The voice continued to talk, "Is this Riley? Riley Trudy?"

"Well, duh. Who the hell are you? Timmy? Tommy? I thought I told you it was a one night thing."

The voice chuckled for a second before saying, "No, it's not Timmy or Tommy, and I sure hope we won't be a one night thing. It's Oliver, Oliver Wilde, and I want to ask you out."

"OH. MY. GOD."

Their conversation lasted 36 minutes and 47 seconds exactly, according to Riley's phone. It was one of the best conversations of her life. In this conversation, she immediately gained a new social status, one that she had been working to get ever since she dumped Nick, she became Oliver Wilde's girlfriend...

And boy, was she happy.

There was one slight problem though, she already had a boyfriend, even though that didn't stop her 'one night things,' and she was going to a party with him that night. Oh well, Riley didn't mind that much, in fact, she couldn't quite remember his name, and he wasn't that hot, so he wasn't really important.

So, that night, Riley finished her week old relationship with a bang...


She decided she wouldn't wait until the party, because that would be boring, and if she was seen with him, Oliver might think she was cheating on him, so, she called him up over the phone.

"Look, Mike," she sighed, "we've only been dating for a week, I don't see the big fuss."


Ah perfect. It seemed like Riley didn't have to make up an excuse to break up with Mike, he brought one up himself.

Riley rolled her eyes, "Jeez, Mikey, you're totally over-reacting. Whatever, I don't date crybabies, so we're done, Mikey."

She could hear suddenly Mike's voice cracking as he mumbled, "No, Riley, please don't break up with me. We can get through this."

She rolled her eyes, how pathetic, "Do yourself a favour, Mikey, and don't call me ever again."

Riley hung up and went back to painting her nails, tomorrow was her first day back and she wanted to make a statement.

She was already dating the hottest guy in school, but hey, a girl can try, right?

She prepped herself for bed, washing her face than exfoliating and finally pulling her hair in a bun at the top of her head. She then placed her clothes for the next day on her armchair.

In preparation of the upcoming day, she chose a striped black and white crop top and a pair of baby blue high-waisted shorts with a really cute pair of booties to match.

Feeling satisfied, she went to her bed and pulled her covers over her head, falling into a relaxing sleep.


A/N: Ooh la la..... I posted twice within a week.....

Picture of Miles on the side >>>>>>

Hope you guys liked it! :D

Anyhoo, I really think Riley's jam is 'How to be a Heartbreaker' by Marina and the Diamonds, check it out? Please?


~Letswrite2011 (and her sidekick, united_we_pie)

UPDATE: I may this chapter a bit shorter so that it flows better. :)

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