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~October of Junior Year~

“Um, Nick, can you pass me the salt, p-please?” A blushing Riley Trudy, clad in glasses and braces, asked her long-time crush turned boyfriend, Nick Ryan, on their first date.

“Uh, s-sure, here,” Nick mumbled, passing her the salt. He still couldn’t believe the pretty girl next to him had agreed to go on a date with him. Sure Riley had been friends  (some might even argue, best friends) with him for four years, but he could have sworn she was more interested in their other friend, Colton, but no, she decided to date him. That boosted Nick’s already pretty low self confidence by a lot, considering the fact that he was the school’s main punch bag. 

He could just remember the way he asked her out, and the way she said yes, with a smile on her face and…

While Nick was in his own world, Riley was in one of her own. 

After fawning over Nick for a handful of years, ever since they were in second grade,  she could hardly believe he was sitting next to him, on a date. Her crush had just existed for so long, since that day when she was getting teased by Oliver Wilde, the biggest, baddest, meanest, but undeniably cutest guy in school for wearing glasses and Nick had stood up for her. He had pushed Oliver down and told him to ‘go play in horse poop’. And ever since that day, Riley put Nick on a pedestal, hoping one day, he would ask her out. Of course, as an innocent second grader, she had expected the usual, “Do you like me? Cause I like you. Since we like each other, we’re ‘dating,’” but now they were on an actual date in public, doing actual date stuff and she loved it. 

She could have sworn it was the best day of her life.

~May of Junior Year~

She was crying. All day, people had been making fun of her, finding ways to harm her without leaving marks. Of course, her boyfriend Nick stood up for her, but all that did was make him victimized too. It was mostly because of Nick that she was teased, he was considered ‘weird’ and ‘odd,’ and in this society, that cost him his social life. 

In dating Nick, she was brought down too. 

Her friends, Avery and Colton, tried to help, but there was only so much they could do without ruining their own reputations-they were the football linebacker and head cheerleader after all.

And so she made up her mind.

She was going to become popular. 




And so that’s what she did.

In June, she dumped Nick. By July, she had had seven different boyfriends. By the end of August, she was no longer a virgin. And come September, she just needed one last thing to be Queen Bee, she needed Oliver Wilde. She needed him to be her boyfriend.

And that was the beginning of Riley’s quest to become irresistible.


So what do you think? Yay or nay?

Dedicated to inunique for being a follower. :)

Picture of Riley >>>>>>

Becoming Irresistible (On Hold while I rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora