Chapter 3: No Pictures, Please

Start from the beginning

"Supergirl showed up?" Hank asked.

"Yeah, so I walked Alex, Dr. Danvers, down to the parking garage like you do. Something got my attention. It was a pod for the kelataku. I only left her alone for maybe a minute, and when I turned around, she was gone, like completely gone. I tracked that damn thing across half the city before I found it and her."

"Without back-up," Hank pointed out.

"I found it."

"Damn it, Sawyer; we've talked about this. You have a team for a reason. I know you prefer working alone—"

"I work fine alone. Look, the alien's gone, and I brought Danvers back here. It all worked out. We good?"

Hank nodded. "You, Dr. Danvers, and her sister were with Lena Luthor when she was hurt, and Supergirl showed up?"

"That's what I said. Why?" Maggie asked.

"Just making sure I understood you. Good work getting Dr. Danvers back here. Maybe now she'll understand how important our work is, and she'll take us up on our job offer."

Maggie watched as Hank wandered away. Something about his tone didn't match his words. Her cop senses were all lit up. She wasn't sure what she'd said wrong, but she was worried she'd find out all too soon.

Not being able to change the things she couldn't change, Maggie sat down and logged into a terminal. She was pleased to see her thumbprint and the password she expected to work would work. She spent a bit of time pulling up information in the system hoping to find something, anything, to help them find their way home. Unfortunately, there was nothing marked with an X for this dimension and another X with their dimension, and even better yet a glass case with a hammer in case of emergency. Maggie felt like she could really use that hammer right now.

In the corner of her screen, she got an IM that read: "Meet me in sparring room 5."

Maggie stared at the screen, tapping just her thumbs below her keyboard as she drummed nervously and finally typed back: "Who is this?"

The response was: "W."

She sighed expecting that this Maggie knew who that was. This might be a trap. This probably was a trap. "Crap." Logging off the system, Maggie rose and made her way first to the armory, which she was happy to see gave her ready access. After arming up, she made her way to Sparring Room Five. "Hello?"

As she entered, the lights came on in the room, illuminating the interior. Hand on her sidearm, Maggie slowly crept into the room. It was shaped like an octagon, the floor padded and a selection of wooden weapons along the walls. They could still be lethal in the right hands but were made for practice. There was no place to hide and no one else inside. Maggie holstered her firearm and was about to relax when she heard a sound behind her, a scrape of a boot on the floor, that made her tense again.

"Hey, ba—"

As an arm came over her shoulder, Maggie grabbed the hand and struck out with her other elbow. Air whooshed over her shoulder, and she shoved out with her hip as the heavier and taller opponent's weight carried him over Maggie's back. She tossed him to the ground, not letting go of his hand but twisting his arm as she stepped over him and pulled her weapon, pointing it at his head.

"Winn?" Maggie said, staring down at the man on the ground.


"Winn? Winn, are you all right?"

Winn moaned, grabbing at his middle even as Maggie released his other arm. Freed from her grip he rolled to the side, groaning and curling up. He managed a few coughs, but it was nearly a minute before he got to his feet with Maggie's help.

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