Chapter 43 : Night Changes

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Two weeks later:

Kongpob brushed the hair off his face, he was currently bent over Officer Tee's belongings. P'Ran had stuck him with desk duty, not convinced of his health being well enough to be in the field. He had to sort through Tee's things for his family.

He smiled at the pictures Tee had kept stuffed in his drawer, pictures of his family. He clutched at his chest, often feeling sore and out of breath. As he rummaged further into the desk, he retrieved a wooden chest. Surprisingly, it was locked, Kongpob looked around for a key. When he was unable to retrieve one, he twisted one end of a paperclip in the lock.

A wad of bunched up receipts fell out. He peered carefully at the numbers, they seemed to all be coming from a single bank account. It was probably an invasion of privacy, but his curiousity propelled him to run the account number in the database.

Kongpob stared at the screen, not quite able to believe what he was seeing. He ran a hand over his face, it didn't make sense. Tee had been receiving regular payments from Somchai, the payments stopped around the time Somchai had been arrested. What had Tee been doing for Somchai?

Kongpob had been sitting in silence for such a long time, that he was taken aback when P'Ran dropped by.

"How's desk duty going, Kong?"

"Take a look at this, P'Ran."

P'Ran leaned over to look at his PC, he stared at Kongpob in astonishment.

"What does this mean, Kong?"

"It means, we've found the mole. Tee was the one leaking information to Somchai. But, I think, he stopped after Somchai was arrested."

"Why would he stop if he was getting rewarded handsomely?"

Kongpob sighed, his brows were furrowed.

"The one person who could have told us, is sadly, no more. I just don't understand why? Why did Tee have to do that?"

Niran inhaled sharply, he patted Kongpob on the back.

"We all have our shades of grey, Kong. Obviously, Tee was wrestling with his own demons."

"Perhaps, you're right."


Arthit closed his laptop with an air of finality. He had done it, he had finally managed to solve the evasive structural issue they had been facing. Tew was lurking nearby, hoping to chat with Arthit, but not knowing how to broach the topic.


"Oh, N'Tew. What is it?"

"I wondered if Kong told you, about - well - about what I told him -"

Arthit knew of course. After Kongpob had been discharged, they had spent an entire week together. Kongpob had told him about Tew's dilemma then.

"Yes, he did."

Tew looked relieved that he wouldn't have to rehash everything, and could just cut to the chase.

"Maprang and I have decided to raise our child together, we're not getting married, but I think it's better, that way."

Arthit realised Tew was looking to him for some reassurance that he was doing the right thing. He patted Tew on the back.

"You're going to be fine. We're around if you need anything."

Arthit was taken aback by the fierce hug Tew sprung on him. He heard Tew mumble something into his neck.

"P', I'm scared. I don't know how to tell my parents, or Maprang's parents for that matter. They're going to insist that we get married."

The Second Chance [Kongpob/Arthit]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें