Chapter 17 : Bad News Comes to Town

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Arthit watched as the police escorted the people in the list for questioning and quite possibly, leading to an arrest. He shielded his head, hoping they wouldn't see him watching. He jumped back a little as Knott put a broad palm on his shoulder.

"Are they all the people on the list?"

Arthit nodded, Knott sighed, running a hand over his face.

"Are you alright, Ai'Knott?"

"Yes, I'm just tired."

Arthit worried about Knott, ever since he had come back from home, he had been distracted. He had caught him staring into space on many occasions.

"If you're sure."

"Did they ever find out how the USB ended up in your desk?"

"No. Strangely enough, someone must have put it in recently. It wasn't there in my drawer even last week - but, I was getting attacked long before that, which makes me wonder -"

"You think, someone is still out to get you?"

"It's highly likely -"

Arthit was interrupted by a commotion. There was a large crowd outside the office levels, Arthit and Knott joined the crowd, trying to find out what was going on. Arthit stopped P'Aom, one could always count on her to be on top of things.

"What's going on, P'Aom?"

"Didn't you hear? That handsome detective - he and another man - just went into the director's room. News is that he's being arrested - what a scandal, can you imagine?"

Arthit smiled awkwardly, P'Aom left soon after, not getting much of a reaction from either of them. Knott whistled, impressed.

"He's impressive, your 0062! I didn't think they would go after the director so soon -"

Arthit smiled, a genuine one this time.

"Yes, he is. He's quite amazing."

Knott snorted at his mushy expression, clapping him on the back.

"You've got it bad, Ai'Arthit."

"Shut up."


Arthit pushed his wet hair away from his face, he had just taken a shower. He had gone through a lot of effort to make dinner for his and Kongob's date. He had spent a solid three hours systematically following the recipe to all of Kongpob's favourite foods. This would be their first proper date, after his confession. The last one had ended with Kongpob getting shot.

He didn't know why he felt nervous, he and Kongpob never ran out of things to talk about, but today he found himself rehearsing conversations in his head. He had even made an effort with his outfit.

The sound of the key rattling in the lock brought back the butterflies in his stomach. A tired, but happy Kongpob entered, he pressed a quick kiss on Arthit's forehead, before beaming at him. Arthit touched his arms with a teasing, barely there touch.

"Had a good day?"

"Yes, and you?"

Arthit smiled, pushing Kongpob into the bathroom.

"Take a shower quickly, I'm hungry."

Kongpob's damp hair made him look more dashing, Arthit found it grossly unfair, hiding his flushing cheeks. Kongpob seemed to aware of the effect he was having on Arthit, throwing a cheeky grin over his shoulder, before hanging his towel outside.

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