A/N : Explanation

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Hello :) 

I feel like I've confused some of you with the big reveal so here goes : 

Who is P'Somchai?

I mentioned him briefly in chapter 4, where Tuta was crushing on him and then he tries to very aggressively hit on Arthit. I never mentioned him as the director's son though. Also, he's P'Gun's ex boyfriend (but this is not important to the story either). He looks up Arthit and Kongpob after that, out of curiousity, which is why I said he knows them both.

Here's the sequence of events:

-P'Somchai had been embezzling funds in his father's company for many years, neither his father nor P'Gun were aware of this. Someone from his team makes a mistake and a single case comes under police investigation : enter Kongpob.

-P'Somchai leaves a USB with all the pertinent information in his father's study, which is given to Gun. He never opens it to check what's in it. Meanwhile P'Somchai tries to rattle him by organising the elevator incident, Arthit being there was purely coincidental.

-He follows Arthit and Gun to the coffee shop, falsely assuming they are dating. When Arthit leaves with the briefcase, he hires a person to go after him and retrieve the USB. Of course, however Gun hasn't kept it in his briefcase. 

- The story of the USB :  P'Gun keep flowers on Arthit's desk, when he bends the USB falls from his shirt pocket into the bouquet. He doesn't notice this happening. Later, when Arthit's desk is ransacked, the USB falls into the edge of one of his drawers and that's how he gets it. P'Somchai watches over the CCTV and knows that Arthit has it.

-All the threatening messages both to Arthit and Gun were from him. The brick is thrown into Arthit's apartment because he believes it is shared by Arthit and Gun. He only finds out it's Arthit and Kongpob dating when he tries to leave the note at their doorstep. 

-Kongpob researched about the director's family when he tried to take the blame. He was aware of the existence of P'Somchai but they had no proof against him, i.e. till they found Kiet. 

-Knott's involvement: I never intended to make him a suspect in the story, I only made him go away because I felt that with him being around, he would do a good job of protecting Arthit. I only realised later, that some of you were suspecting him and just to throw you off made him look suspicious. I will address his storyline in the next chapter (s) so won't give too much away.

I think I've pretty much covered everything, but please feel free to ask anything else in the comments.


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