Chapter 35 : Set The Truth Free

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Kongpob bumped into N'Dao as she packed her things into boxes. He had heard about her resignation from P'Ran, it had come as a surprise. He helped to carry her box, walking her out of the station.

"N'Dao, can I ask why you're quitting?"

She shielded her eyes from the sun with a hand, turning towards Kongpob.

"Didn't P'Ran tell you, P'Kong?"

"He mentioned you didn't think you were cut out for for this job, but -"

"Are you going to disagree, P'Kong? We both know I am terrible at this job. Nothing I do is ever good enough for P'Ran -"

Kongpob helped her load the boxes into her car.

"N'Dao, it's your life, I can't tell you what's right. But, I can tell you this, nothing in life comes easy. Today you're quitting because you find this job difficult, tomorrow you will quit your new job for the same reason -"

"It's not like that, P'Kong. I'm tired of not being good enough, I could be better at something new -"

Kongpob had never seen her so passionate, he had always seen her as a timid, meek girl. He remarked kindly.

"For what it's worth, I think you would have found your place, eventually, if you stuck around."

N'Dao was silent, she bowed her head, thanking Kongpob for his encouraging words. She turned to leave.

"Wait, N'Dao. What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know, really. Find a new job maybe, travel for a bit. Oh, and get hitched."

"You're getting married, N'Dao?"

She blushed, her cheeks pinking under Kongpob's gaze. She nodded shyly.

"My boyfriend proposed, and I said yes - I just wanted a fresh start, you know, P'Kong?"

"Congratulations. I wish you a happy married life."

"Thank you, P'Kong."


Arthit was bored, even though his fever had subsided, he had promised Kongpob he would stay at home and try to recover fully. He flitted through his contacts, fingers settling on Tuta's name. He realised he hadn't seen his friend in ages, the last time was the day, he had been dragged to the club.

He sighed, that was the day, everything had begun, with a chance encounter with P'Somchai. He fired a quick text to Tuta 'I'm bored, what are you doing?' His screen flared up soon enough.

'Are you at home? I can stop by in an hour, then.'

After replying with a quick yes, Arthit trotted to the kitchen to fix himself a snack. He was half way through a movie, when he heard the knocking. Tuta had been knocking the door to his old apartment.

"Ai'Arthit, you moved?"

Arthit ushered him in, before his loud voice attracted the neighbours. Quickly, he went over the events of the past month, Tuta's eyes widened and he gasped at all the right places. After Arthit finished speaking, there was a brief silence.

"So, you finally snagged N'Kong? You lucky bastard!"

"Is that all you picked up, Ai'Tuta?"

Arthit's sarcastic drawl, was only a cover for how his ears were burning with embarrassment. He hadn't managed to fool Tuta who had a mischievous look on his face.

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