Chapter 2 : Everything Begins and Ends With You

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Three years later:

Arthit chewed the end of his pen, morning meetings were always a mundane state of affairs. Their group had splintered after graduation, only Knott and Arthit worked in the same firm. They had been hired straight after graduation. Knott's burly form was a steady comforting presence beside him.

"Do you know why the boss called this meeting, Ai'Arthit?"

"Probably about the success they had in the Bangkok branch -"

A hush fell over the room as the Board of Directors entered the room. Puzzled expressions were exchanged, it wasn't often that the employees of the company were directly addressed by the Board. In the three years, Arthit had worked in the company, this was the first time it had occurred.

"Good morning to one and all. Unfortunately we aren't able to convey good news this morning. There have been rumours afloat about cyber fraud taking place in this company, mostly unfounded of course - however -"

Here, the Communications Officer paused, taking a sip of his water, before wiping his face with a handkerchief. 

"However, a confirmed case of fraudulent practices has been discovered. In light of that, the Ministry of Law Enforcement is sending a representative to investigate whether this is an isolated incident - "

A sharp knock interrupted his speech, the poor man looked happy to be interrupted. 

"Shall I ask him in, sir?"

"Yes, please."

"Please welcome Mr. Sutthiluk, I hope you all will cooperate with his investigations -"

Arthit's heart skipped a beat, he slowly turned his head, only to witness a sharply dressed Kongpob, stride in confidently. He was much taller than he had been in university, the dark uniform giving him an air of authority.

Arthit gulped, well at least he couldn't say the meeting was mundane any more.


Arthit craned his neck, Kongpob had been taking people to the board room for personal interviews. Arthit couldn't get enough from the glimpses of Kongpob he had managed to steal. 

"Ai'Arthit, you look suspicious, stop staring at him -"

"Shut up, Knott. I wasn't looking -"

"Sure. Whatever you say."

Arthit had confided in Knott when it had all got too much and Knott had found him in tears, hurt by Kongpob's cold dismissal of his attempts to make good. He had been sympathetic, knowing all too well the pangs of an unfinished love story. 

"Ai'Knott, do you think he'll remember?"

"You? Of course, like he'd be able to forget you."

Arthit knew for a fact, that he hadn't been able to forget Kongpob, not for a lack of trying though.


"Mr. Rojnapat, may I have a word please?"

Arthit wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers before following Kongpob to the board room. Kongpob's back was straight as a ramrod, Arthit stared at him in a daze. The door shut behind them.

"Please try to answer my questions concisely, Mr. Rojnapat."

Arthit mumbled out his answers, fidgeting nervously. 

"Why are you so nervous?"

Kongpob's eyes were narrowed in concentration, his eyes seemed to pierce Arthit's soul. 

"Um - no, I'm not - not nervous."

Arthit stammered, he clenched and unclenched his fists. He felt defensive and backed into a corner.

"Do you honestly think I have something to do with this, Kongpob?"

"I'm required to ask you these questions."

Kongpob neatly stacked his papers, before opening the door for Arthit. Arthit knocked his knee against the table in his haste to leave. 

"It was nice seeing you again, P'Arthit.


"Do you think I imagined it, Ai'Knott?"

Knott took a swig of his beer before he answered.

"Imagined him calling you, 'P'Arthit' ? Aren't you overthinking this -"

"Knott, I don't think I'm over my crush -"

"Ai'Arthit, a crush doesn't go on for five years. Think carefully before you act, don't hurt him by your indecision."

Arthit nodded, he wouldn't make the same mistake ever again.


Arthit's fingers brushed over the ridges of Kongpob's gear. He had never returned it to him. He laid on his stomach on the bed, arms supporting his head. 

Five years ago, he hadn't been ready to make his move. Had things changed since then? Arthit didn't feel different, the prospect of being in a relationship with a man, was it something he could accept now? He shook his head to clear his thoughts. 

His thoughts drifted to Kongpob. Apart from the physical changes, Kongpob was quieter now, more calm, more sure of himself. Arthit felt like he barely knew the man now, Kongpob wasn't the same boy who would follow him to the ends of the earth, was he?

Arthit's fingers clamped around the gear before he slowly drifted off to sleep. If his dreams involved a certain handsome devil, who was to know?


Arthit wiped the sweat off his brow, soldering gun in one hand. The intern had made a complete mess of the circuit board. He brushed off stray pieces of lint before trying to yank out a strand of wires. He didn't realize he had company, he almost dropped the gun on his foot. 

"Kongpob! Don't sneak up on me like that -"

Kongpob's eyes were taking in everything, the messy electrical board, Arthit's untied laces, the unnatural flush he sported. He coughed politely.

"I apologize. What is it, that you're working on?"

Arthit realized Kongpob would have no way of knowing how soldering worked, it was a third year course and he had dropped out after his first year. He peeled off his gloves.

"It's a soldered circuit board -"

"Mr. Rojnapat -"

"You don't have to call me that -"

Kongpob stepped closer, the shadow cast by his form, casting Arthit in darkness.

"What would you like me to call you then?"

Arthit swallowed noisily, his heart was yammering away. He blinked in quick succession.

"Kongpob - um -"

And just like that, Kongpob was gone. Arthit watched him talk to the other workshop staff. Arthit cursed himself for getting tongue-tied. 

Arthit got back to work, his shaking hands making even more of a mess.


A/N : I actually have no knowledge of law and enforcement in Thailand, so I apologize if I made any factual error. I did read about a white collar division though. 

Thanks all for reading! :)  

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