Chapter 26 : Lover's Tiff

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"Are you absolutely certain, nothing's missing?"

P'Ran's imperious tone sounded foreign in Knott's ransacked apartment. Knott paced back and forth, he couldn't see any reason anyone would break into his apartment, he didn't have anything of value.

"Yes, not to my knowledge."

Kongpob was bent at the knee, looking behind the sofa, he was speaking quietly to N'Dao, who dropped her notebook on his foot twice in succession. He winced, stepping away from her briefly.

"P'Ran, apart from the forced entry, there doesn't appear to be any crime committed here."

A case of breaking and entering was not their jurisdiction anyway, but ever since P'Somchai had been caught, P'Ran was taking no chances with any incident related to the case, even in a minor way. He had strong armed both Kongpob and Dao, into coming with him to check it out.

P'Ran grunted, clearly dissatisfied.

"Right, well we should be going. You should get your locks changed, sir. And let us know, if you discover anything missing."

Kongpob patted Knott on the shoulder.

"You know where to find me, P'Knott. Please let me know, if I can help in anyway."

"Okay, thanks."

Knott began sifting through his stuff, putting them back in the correct position. He heard the retreating footsteps of P'Ran, Kongpob and Dao. He wondered whether without knowing it, he had become embroiled in some nefarious scheme.


Arthit was buoyant, he had finally got a job at Tew's company, they had even offered him the same position with a slightly higher pay. To celebrate, he had bought cake on his way back to the apartment. He opened the door, balancing the box on his knee, his documents under his arm.

"Hello, Kong -"

"I'm sorry, P'Arthit, now's not a good time."

Arthit could hear the distinct sound of a gun shot, his heart jolted.

"Kong -"

Kongpob had kept the phone, Arthit looked at the cake morosely. He supposed he could wait, his bed was calling out to him. He changed his clothes and settled in for a nap. Arthit woke much later, it was dark outside, he looked at the time. It was much later than he had thought.

Arthit hesitated to call Kongpob again, he texted him instead. He got a reply within minutes 'I'm taking N'Dao home, she's feeling sick. I'll be home soon x' . Arthit knew it was irrational, but he felt a spike of annoyance at not having Kongpob beside him when he had good news to share.

He texted Knott instead, hoping to end the day on a positive note. 'Got the job. Cake?' A good, fifteen minutes later, Arthit heard a knock on the door. Even though, he knew it was Knott on the other end, from the moment he got up from the sofa to the door, he let himself hope Kongpob was back.

"Ai'Knott, oh, hello P'Gun -"

Arthit tried to hide his surprise on seeing P'Gun, who was perched precariously on a crutch. He smiled, his familiar, goofy smile.

"Hello, Arthit. Long time, no see."

Arthit swallowed down the rising guilt, he had not gone to meet P'Gun after he had been discharged. He smiled back, ushering them inside. Knott held Arthit's arm, stopping him near the doorway, whispering so as to not alert the other person in the room.

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