Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For Me (Chapter Twenty-Four)

Start from the beginning

            “Well, if you spend all your time hugging me we won’t be ready on time,” he chided, though his hands were firm on my back, telling me that it was okay. It was me who pulled away first as I heard James and Phillipa approaching. I returned to my work as Dom returned to his kids. I listened to their high pitched chatter, smiling to myself at the sound. What would it be like to have kids? To be responsible for people who are not your own?

            I fingered the ring on my fingers, wondering what Richard thought of kids. All of a sudden, I wanted to know. I walked outside, dialing the number I had memorized long ago. I listened to it ring three times before he picked up, his deep voice cool, though slightly warmer as he knew it was me.

            “Hello, Alexia.”

            “Hi, Richard,” I said, relieved to hear his voice. It brought back all the reasons why I was engaged to him. How could I have lost sight of that? This was good, then, that I had called. I couldn’t go around flirting with Dom and Arthur, hoping to get back in their good books. This was a strictly buisness relationship, and I had to remember that. “How are you?”

            “Fine, busy with work. I miss you. What’s going on?”

            “I just wanted to talk to you, I guess,” I said, nearly chickening out of asking about the kids. But when I heard Phillipa’s high laugh, I steeled myself. “Well, okay, I was actually calling to ask you a question. Have you ever thought…about kids?”

            “Kids?” he sounded perplexed. I could practically picture him in his office, paused, hand on the red-wood furnishings, dark brows furrowed together in confusion. “What do you mean, thought about kids?”

            “Like us. Having kids.”

            A light sigh floated through the phone. “I don’t know, Alex. Can’t we talk about this some other time?”

            “Yeah, yeah of course,” I mumbled, cheeks turning red. I watched as Arthur rounded the corner, obviously looking for me. I tried to wrap up the conversation, though he probably thought it was odd since I was the one who called him. “I have to get back to work. Love you. Bye.”

            I hung up as Arthur reached me, eyebrows raised, arms folded over his chest. “Hey, Arthur.”


            “Richard,” I confirmed, trying not to let my emotions get the best of me. I didn’t know what to think. Up until today, I had never even thought of having kids. But now that I had seen the obvious love that Dom had for his, I wanted that, as well. I wanted to be a better mom than my mom was to me. But what if Richard didn’t want the same thing? I needed him. I needed his security and stability.

            But as always, I smiled through it, flashing my confident smile to Arthur, who seemed skeptical, though didn’t say anything about it. “What are you out here for?”

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