You again!

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So, yeah I hope this is a bit better. <3 xx Thanks to @jennyxharry for helping spread this on twitter <3 xx enjoyy! :*

Harry's POV

I kept thinking about that girl. She was stunning and seemed nice too. She was about 5ft5 with brown, silky hair that just brushed against her shoulders. She wore brown, thick rimmed rectangular glasses and she spoke with a slight lisp which was probably considering the fact that she had braces. You could tell she was self conscious of her teeth because she was acting just like Niall. It baffled me that she was so oblivious to the fact that she was gorgeous. She had a slim figure and very very slight curves.

'mate which flavour of crisps?' Louis interupted wrecking my thought process.

'Lou I dont really care!' I snapped.

'touchy touchy' Lou cooed.

I rolled my eyes and we caught up with the rest of they boys who were debating which cheese we should get. I was getting fed up but put up with it as they were letting me think about her.

I didn't realize how zoned out I was until someone accidentally bumped into us. 

Oh.My.God it was her. Her chocolate brown eyes made me melt. She mumbled an apology, she still hasn't realised it was me. When she looked up her eyes widened in shock.

Louis ran over to her and clamped his hand on her mouth

'please, please don't blow our cover' he whispered.

She was completely confused and taken aback. She looked so geniunely scared.

'b-blow your cover?' she asked.

So she didnt know who we were. To be honest, I didn't want to tell her. This way she could get to know me as 'harry' and not 'Harry Edward Styles 1/5 of One Direction'

Suddenly a girl with a heavy American accent screamed 'Like OH EM GEE it's One Direction!!'

Sh*t! Cr*p! F*ck! Damn!

A swarm of teenage girls ran towards me. This was going to get rowdy! I signed a few autographs, took a few pics with the fans. It wasn't too bad until some girl screamed 'lemme see Harry my future hubby!' she rowdily pushed past the girls who were getting pissed off by this approach. I looked around in case Paul had come to our resuce..instead I saw the girl of my dreams walking away. I pushed the girls, I had to stop her. I knew I didn't even know her but the second I saw her, my heart skipped a beat and I couldn't even think straight.

'WAIT' I yelled.

She turned around with a quizzical look on her face. 

'Please don't go!' I practically begged.

She looked at the restless crowd. 'You look a little tied up' 

'Well when will I get to see you again?' I asked

She looked a little creeped out, I can't blame her because she hardly even knew me but she said;

'We live in the same Complex don't we?' 

'Yeah, What's your name?' 


Oh my God. The perfect name for the perfect girl. I fell out of my trance when she said:

'What about you?'

Oh my God. What is my name?! This is such a movie-like cheesy thing, WHAT IS MY NAME?!?! Yes..Its Harry yes... 

'I'm H-' I began,Zayn cut me off.

'Hey babe, I'm Zayn, what about you beautiful?'

She blushed and said 'Tanya' I felt a pang of jealousy. What was Zayn doing?!?! @#3*($#)*@ He caressed her cheek as she stared into his eyes. I pushed Zayn out of the way and crashed my lips against hers.

Left you at a cliffhanger...Let me know if you have any suggestions of what should happen or if you like it and if you dislike it, let me know why! Because even though you can't make everyone happy I would be sure to make some improvements to the story line. XxXxX Thanks to the people who keep up with the story, Even though its only 2 chapters. 

Fan, Vote, Comment xxx 

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