Playing with fire - Receivecontrolpass

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Title of the book: Playing with fire

We made this cover for: Receivecontrolpass

Language: English

What's the book about:

He approached me and put his script beside my face preventing me to connect eyes with my best friend who was busy doing who knows what! Oh, geez! Not again! Too bad I couldn't escape seeing as I was sitting on a chair between him and the wall. Oh, the odds are never in my favor! Goody!

Oh dear, please help me, anyone!

"Please, Lia, why are you avoiding me?" He pleaded. I couldn't see his expression because I wasn't allowed to make any kind of contact with him.

My heart beat erratically as I felt his breath fanning my forehead. "Oh, fuck it!" I heard him say before crashing his lips against mine.


Lia Dyson, she isn't your average nerd. She's confident, beautiful outgoing and fierce, but just like every other person, she has secrets. She doesn't trust anyone, bit even her closest friends or family. She keeps everything bottled up until may be one day, she will crack.

That until someone.

We hope you like it.

If you want us to make a cover for you, comment or send us a private message. Read the first chapter first because we need a lot of information about the book!

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