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Isabelle and Paul walked out of the house, heading towards the park. They had hatched up a plan while walking, and was planning to try it out in the park.

"Nervous?" Isabelle nudged Paul friendly. "Hah. Maybe a bit. I'm not sure whether it would work, though." Paul replied, staring ahead.

Isabelle nodded and entered the park. There were few people that day, and the weather seemed perfect.

Maybe this time God was on their side.

They sat by the park bench, flipping open a huge book that Paul had bought.

They opened it, eyes widening when light shown out from it. It seemed like a holographic picture.

"That..." Isabelle brushed the side of the book as the light dimmed. Funny scribbles were scrawl across it.

It was the same for all the other pages. "Paul, how and why exactly did you take this book?" Isabelle queried, while trying to decipher the words.

"I found this once under my cabinet. It was from my grandpa. It said 'This will aid you when the Spirits come'. At first, I didn't understand. But I think now it meant Belle and Patrick..." Paul said.

"Your grandpa knew about them?" Isabelle asked, confused.

Suddenly, a ray of light shot out from the pages of the book. It spread across before them beautifully, but then it tried to suck them in.

(I got some nostalgic feelings!! Brossellsprouts thanks for your idea to use my last book's idea! If you know what I'm talking about, like my book! 😝)

  "What the heck is going on?!??" Isabelle shrieked, grabbing the bench tightly as her leg got sucked up.

  Paul didn't even manage to responding. He was already gone inside the rainbow portal.

  "PAUL!!" Isabelle screamed. But her hand loosened with her stupid waste of energy and she lost her grip.

  She frantically tried to claw her way back but then her head got sucked back and colors flashed before her.

  In her world, the portal closed up quietly, as it circled around the aged book. Then it started moving faster, before the book and portal disappeared on its own.

  A nearby jogger choked on his water when he watched it all happen. "Did the...?" He stammered, but then convinced himself it was a hallucination and turned away.

Belle's P.O.V. (12.00pm)

I dragged Patrick out of the stupid hospital. That place made me feel weak. Vulnerable. All Spirits hated it.

Icarus was trailing not far away. He had a look of reluctance. He knew that whenever I had a plan, it would end up bad.

But I shrugged. This time it was going to work.

We walked all the way until we reached a place that was familiar.

"Home..." I grinned and pushed open the door. This was the place where I was born and everything. It was forever mine.

Everything was still in its place. My younger self's clothes, my sword tucked beneath the bed...and a old aged book.

I walked towards it, brushing my hand along its cover. I could feel it almost disintegrate beneath my touch, but it would never happen.

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