Chapter Two: I can't believe her.

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I woke up the next morning with a bad headache, no doubt from my attepts at drowning out Addie and her friends. But all it did was give me a massive headache that made me hate my life. I could hear a tv on downstairs and I figured my parents were awake. I needed to talk to them about Addie and her newly even worse attitude.

"Mom, Dad. I need to talk to you about..." I whispered then stopped midsemtemce at what I saw.

Addie was sprawled out on our couch and some random boy was on top of her. She was giggling like crazy.

"Shhh Kyle be queit I don't wanna wake up the little brat upstairs. She'll tell mommy and daddy on me."

I took a step back and was headed upstairs when I noticed that my parents car was gone. It was Saturday morning but they never left this early. I made a point to walk louder this time in hopes that the disturbing thing in my livingroom would stop and Addie would be clothed again.

"Addie where's mom and dad?" I yelled from the top of the stairs.

I heard shuffling like people getting dressed and I just laughed to myself. "Stupid girl." I mumbled and went downstairs.

This time "Kyle" whom I recognised from school as a football player, was setting neatly in a chair five feet from Addie and she was setting crosslegged in a chair by the tv.

"Where's mom and dad?" I repeated.

"Out. And I am in charge."

"Nice try princess prostitute. But 1. I saw you and Kyle naked down here five seconds ago. 2. our parents wouldn't leave you incharge of a bowl of soup let alone our house. and 3. I have never and will never listen to you." with that I turned around and headed to my room. I needed alone time and that could only happen somewhere far away from Addie and naked boy.

I went in my room and grabbed an old pair of jeanshorts and pulled them on. Afterwards I found my navyblue tanktop and white button up shirt. I grabbed my art bag from under my bed and then headed out my door.

Addie was on top of Kyle this time. "Prostitution is illegal!" I yelled and bolted out the door.

An hour later I was setting on the edge of the lake letting the water wash over my feet and drawing the skyline infront of me.

I knew my parents would be heading home soon so i started packing up my stuff. I gathered up all the pencils and books I had and shoved them in the bag.

Just as I was about to pull out of the lake's parking area my phone went off.


"Rainey get home its an emergency." Addie yelled.

"Okay I am coming Addie." I floored it. Addie never called must be bad..


Kyle of course pictured to the side there.

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