Chapter Five

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Genesis mostly woke up early to go help Talyse, but sometimes she would help with other chores around Viowood. She became use to the routine, and when the day came around to where everyone used to sing and celebrate, there was an eerie quiet. Most people just continued to work, while some tried to beat the summer heat by staying indoors, but of course with walls made of metal, shacks were more like ovens.

Genesis saw Ryo around, but every time she would try to talk to him, he'd act busy, or he was with Ira.

Genesis was worried how much longer she could keep this up. Day after day she was afraid someone would come for her. No one would give up the look for her so easily. Even after a couple of months.

Genesis pulled her hair back with a long scrap of fabric. Her hair had gotten to the point of where it would always press against her neck from the heat and make her uncomfortable. Genesis then wrapped a bandana around her head to help hold back some of her bangs.

A while ago Genesis had replaced the yellow tank top and baggy gray shorts for a short dark blue dress. It flowed loosely around her body and stopped her from overheating. Of course, the end of it was almost always caked with dirt and mud.

Genesis left her little shack and headed out into the sweltering sun.

It was just her luck that in the distance were dark rain clouds, but over head the sun was deathly bright. She hoped the rain would come, but Viowood was perfectly sat in a spot of clear sunshine. It hadn't rained since the few months Genesis had been here, and according to Ryo, it hadn't rained for a while before that.

A loud bark broke Genesis's train of thought. A large black dog bounded straight towards her. Genesis yelped as the dog skidded to a stop in front of her. It tilted its head to the side and sat down, its tail wagging like crazy.

"Umm hello?" Genesis patted the dog on the head softly.

Ryo ran around the corner, out of breath.

"Oh good. He stopped." He breathed heavily as he neared. He rested his hands on his knees and took a gulp of air.

"When did you get a dog, Ryo?" Genesis asked.

"This morning. I found him outside the gate."

"Did you feed him?"

"Yah, that's probably why he was outside the gate." Genesis laughed, and scratched behind the dogs ear.

"Does he have a name?" Ryo knelt down on the ground beside the dog.

"No, but compared to most dogs we find outside, he must be from the capital."

"Whys that?"

"He's been taken care of well. Unless there's someplace out there in the wasteland that functions like a city." Ryo's breath finally caught up to him. "He keeps running off. Apparently a wasteland isn't enough running space for him."

Genesis laughed and knelt down in front of the dog. She ran her hand through his wiry fur.

"You're so cute though. The wasteland isn't a nice place for things like you and me." Genesis spoke to the dog in a baby like voice. Ryo chuckled.

"Did you have a dog back in Glen?"

Genesis looked over at Ryo.

"I don't know. When I was little I think my dad had a hound, but I don't remember. You haven't named him right?"

"If you name him, you can keep him. Ira definitely won't let me keep him. You have to give him your share of supplies."

"Ok deal. It's just me anyways, I don't use up much of the resources." Genesis giggled.

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