Harold & Emma

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Harold, Emma –

         I managed to break into a Muggle home to use their fireplace to reach you two, unfortunately, what I had not managed to do is to actually reach the two of you. There was a block, disabling all existing connections to the fireplace in Gryffindor Tower. I don’t have a clue why that is but, I do know that this is no Castle malfunction. It’s most probably the same Wizard who entered both of you to the Tournament; I have no doubts about that.

        Keep all eyes open, both of you, stay aware of what’s happening around you and burn ALL the letters I sent. I have a feeling this Wizard didn’t just block the Gryffindor fireplace out of sheer coincidence, and I also have the feeling that both of you already know this. So, who lost the letter?

     From now onwards, I’ll address both of you as Harold and Emma. Just a precaution, in case someone intercepts the letter or steals it.

-          Snuffles

Harry immediately snatched the letter from Emily’s fingers after her reading it approximately 7 times, he ripped it to shreds and tossed it into the fire, “So, Emma, got any idea how to explain to Snuffles about our situation?”

“I don’t know,” Emily said, lazily putting up her feet on the chair next to her, “And don’t call me Emma; I sound like some prissy, English Muggle school girl.”


“Shut up, Harold.” She said, rearranging the logs in the fireplace, making sure the letter was successfully turned to ashes, “I spoke to Professor Moody awhile ago.” Emily said. Harry looked up from his hands, his spirit rising when he heard the news, “And?”


“Eh, you’re the Potter girl, right?” Professor Moody asked, flicking his wand at the doors direction for it to close, “Sit down.” He had pulled out a chair for her, facing him. He took another swig at his flask; Emily smelled the faint scent of the finest Irish whiskey and Pumpkin juice.

“So, girl, what’re your plans for that Dragon of yours?” Moody asked, his electric blue eye scanning her face, “That brother of yours... He got a plan?”

Emily shook her head, “No...Sir,” She paused for a while, “We have seen the Dragons, sir, the Wizards there were trying to... tame them, they were in groups of 20 at least. How can two Wizards ‘tame’ a Dragon when a group of 20 can only manage to throw a weak spell at them?”

Moody clucked his tongue, a ghost of a devilish grin on his face, “Think.”, he said, leaning back on his chair, “I’ve heard stories about you, girl. Time to put that brain of yours to work. Think.”

Emily crossed her legs, leaning backwards on her chair’s back rest. Her temper slowly rising, the heels of her shoes digging deep onto the floor, she was frustrated.

Moody shook his head, “If you’re trying to bore holes into my office floor, good work.”

She abruptly stood up from her chair, “Just tell me already!”


Emily slammed his fists on the table, “My brother and I will be facing two Dragons in a couple of days, I don’t know about you but I want to survive that little task of ours.” He scoffed, Moody snapped his fingers and by magic, he made Emily sit down in her chair, “Fiery little temper you have there, eh girl? That’s no helper in defeating that Grecian and Hungarian.”

Moody took her wand from her hands, placing it on the table in front of her, “Summon it.”

Emily opened the palm of her hand and her wand swiftly came back to her grasp.

Emily Potter- Book 4 - Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now