Chapter 26

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"The thing about the end of the world is that not just the West collapses, the whole world does." -Douglas Coupland


Clint felt his energy draining but he did all he could. He didn't want his friends ending up in the hands of a monster.

He heard Jackie cry out. Her voice was drowned out by the piercing light that followed. Clint collapsed, conscious but his breathing was shallow and unfocused.

The clearing was littered with bodies of the dead or wounded. Clint's eyes scanned the permiter to see Jack with his wings up. Unharmed. Clint's vision fell. I just used it all up. And it didn't hurt him!

But to his surprise, bodies of the Elites were seriously hurt. The power he'd just unleashed had hurt them! A tingle went up his body.

Suddenly the clearing shook. Lights flickered. Aftershock, his mind screamed. He lifted his good wing which he used to shield himself. Finally he got up. The lights were still flickering.

"Get up!"

The voice wasn't feminine. It wasn't Lisa. It wasn't Kathleen either. The voice was more masculine then female. Clint stirred a little.

"What? Who are you?" He asked through silent air. Jack was getting back up.

"Just get up if you want to live!"

He was aware of blood dripping down his wounded wing. He slowly got up, ignoring the stabbing pain. God, everything hurt!

Jack was slowly getting back up. "Poor boy. That did nothing to me..."

Clint was breathing hard now as he held on to his will to stand. It hurt to even talk. His throat was screaming.

"Run!" The voice told him. It was persistent.

Clint dove, or forced himself to dive as an ice dart, embedded itself where he had been standing a minute ago. Jack looked surprised, but then fired another shard at him. Clint tried to shoot at him, but nothing came out.

"What the fuck," Clint whispered. He tried again. Still nothing.

"You can't use your powers," the male voice said, "that's why I'm telling you to run!"

A smirk spread across Jack's face. "Look at you. Completely harmless now. Without anything to use on me."

Clint ached for the power he'd had for almost three years. He started to back up, then pulled the knife from his back pocket. He flung it at Jack.

Jack brought his wrist up and grabbed the knife. "Nice try. That won't work."

Clint was growing irritated. He tried the gun.

Jack didn't expect a gun. The bullets spewed, one grabbing him in the arm.

The alien roared in pain and flew back. Blood spread over the wound bullet. Clint decided to take off at this point.

He turned and ran.


Jackie was relieved as Clint burst through the door. "Clint!"

He was bleeding badly and looked so beaten up he might collapse but he stood strong. "We have to get out now."

"On it." Jackie pressed the buttons and looked at Lisa. She looked distraught.

Fall of the Stars: Clint's Story Where stories live. Discover now