Chapter 20

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"Light against dark. This is the end of all things. This is the last sunrise." —Midnight, The Last Hope


Clint groaned as he stirred awake. His body was still throbbing with pain, but it wasn't hurting so badly anymore. He lifted his head slowly, and blinked at the harsh light. Owww, my eyes...

He dared not to say a word. He sat up with his wings tucked under him. His eyes slowly grew adapt to the light. He sat there on the bed, glaring at the door but seeming to accept his fate.

Lets see. What do I remember? He tried to play with his memories. He remembered flying in the rain, his wings soaking wet. Kathleen guiding him through the dangers...

'Oh shit!' Clint's thoughts came together. He got up and threw himself at the door. He knew where he was now. Now how was he going to get out?

He tried to bash his wings into the door this time but that didn't work. Screaming in frustration, Clint aimed his hands at the door. Icicles went impaling into the door. It didn't work. Clint didn't think it would.

Panting, he stared at the door. He turned back around in frustration and sadness. Kathleen promised! She said she would train me! Confusion filled him. She always kept her promises, didn't she?

What if she was lying? Another voice chimed in. You know she could have. She was a Zyger. She still is.

He flexed his wings a little. He felt uncomfortable. He wanted out. This room was driving him to the brink.

He felt incredibly cold in this room. Shivering slightly, he sat on his haunches. He waited for whoever would come back.

Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned to hours. And finally Clint was hungry. His stomach was growling like crazy. He heard the door open. Looking up, he noticed a female. Clint turned towards her, staring at her.

"Who are you?" He asked, his stance getting ready to attack.

She held up her hand. "An Elite," she said simply.

Clint looked at her. "Then you can get me out of here!"

She chuckles. "No. No I can't. I don't do that sort of thing. I won't do any sorts till you listen to the mentor."

"Who are you to do this?" Clint asked. "The humans never did anything to you, did they?"

The girl sighed and kindled her tail around her body. "Our species just thrives on the suffering of others. We take what we want, and expect loyalty in reward from the people who we conquer."

Clint felt the hairs on his neck rise. "We never did anything!"

She leans closer. "The Guardians did." She taps his chest with her tail. "My name is Gwen."

He twitches and tries to push away from her. "Don't touch me."

She looks down at his large wings and then back at him. "I don't understand what you have against me, Prince. We are the same. We're Zygers."

"I'm a Halfblood," he tried to correct her.

"Do not consider yourself one," she says. "You may have had different parents but you are a Zyger. The elements runs all through you. You are not Human, nor Halfblood."

Clint shakes his head. "I'm Human."

She presses her tail against his neck. "Don't fight it, Clint." She leans in close to press a kiss on his cheek. He hissed at her when she got too close. Finally with a sigh, she pulled away.

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