Chapter 5

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"As soon as I saw her, I knew I had to stay far away from her. Being with her makes me feel like I've been starving for so long. The girl, Jackie, has given me a taste of something I didn't know I wanted. Something I am now desperate for. Her."                      -Unknown


Jackie slowly trudges through the plains, alone. Her face is stinging from the heat and her body is sticky with pesperation. She holds her rifle in one hand and her mother's necklace in the other. After several seconds, she slipped the necklace on with a little click before continuing to walk.

She was silent and didn't make any sounds. She knew she was alone. That's what scared her. She held a grip on her gun.

The birds had gone silent. By now, she was worried. Usually they aren't quiet around me. I'm not a hunter...

Whipping around, she called out, "Is anyone there?"

No response. Jackie cursed herself. She shouldn't have spoken out loud. What if they heard me?

There was a flapping of wings again. By now, she was getting scared. Her heart thudded in her throat. She lifted her rifle. "Clint...?"

The birds suddenly rustled and a loud scream was heard. Jackie recognized it as a human scream. Another sound, the munching of flesh. Jackie felt sick to her stomach. What if that was Ethel?

Couldn't be, she reasoned. She'd kill the alien with a shot.

She kept walking, trying to ignore the screaming. It was perstiant then it died. She swallowed hard.

She wanted Clint now. He'd always protected her. She remembered him searing the skin off of the alien. The thought made her smile.

There was a thumping noise behind her. The smell of rotten flesh filled the air. Sucking in air sharply, she slowly turned around.

She wishes she didn't.

A creature, even bigger than the one that had encountered them just a day ago, stood before her. He was wearing a metal mask, something that scared Jackie out of her wits. His wings were thicker and painted with markings, a combination of blue and red. There was gold and black armour plated around his entire body. He was easily maybe four times Jackie's size. She found herself lost in the eyes of the creature which was the only thing visible. His eyes were baby blue, mixing between green too.

"Where is the boy?" The creature demanded to her, startling her. She didn't know it could speak English.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she responded innocently, feeling sweat run down her neck.

"You lie," he announced, slowly stalking towards her. Jackie backed up till she hit the root of a tree. His wings were out, and his mouth snapped a little.

"I don't know what boy," she tried to remain calm. "There are several."

The creature uttered a growl. "The Fire Breather, where is he?"

He means Clint, she realizes. "We split up, I don't know where he went."

"So you know him," the alien spoke slowly. "You're a friend..."

Jackie felt her mouth go dry.

"Are you his friend?" The alien was having fun with her, she knew that.

She didn't respond. She looked down.

"Oh, so you are." The alien walked around her slowly and wrapped his tail around her. Jackie immediately looked up. "Why don't you come with me then...?"

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