Chapter 24

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"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." -John Fitzgerald Kennedy


"We have to get Clint back," Jackie announced.

She'd spent the past few days trying to persuade several Guardians to her cause. She'd gathered a few but now she had no volunteer to stand for her.

Not even Gaia had suggested anything.

"How?" The rest of the humans who had served under Clint had all decided to stand beside her. It was Ethel who had spoken.

A guardian answered, "We take a ship and attack the Zyger mothership. It's the only way."

"There's only 20 of us," Lisa said, coming to stand at the front. "We need dragons."

"Need I remind you what happened to Marilyn?" Ethel demanded. "She was betrayed by a dragon. She was almost killed!"

"The other dragons we trust," Lisa interrupted. "They wouldn't hurt us."

Ethel snorted.

"All we need is a plan of attack," Lisa continued, pacing. "Does anyone have any suggestions?"

"A surprise attack?" Angelica stepped forward.

"But how? Angelica, use your head!" Lisa snapped.

Angelica shrank back.

"Don't yell at her like that!" Ethel stepped forward.

Lisa felt her hackles rise. "Who's going to stop me? You?"

Ethel shifted a little. "Yeah that's what I thought," Lisa sneered. "Now... Here's what I suggest we do..."

Angelica frowned.

"We get someone in there. Someone who is close to Clint and we know he or she won't be hurt. The person will set a bomb on the ship."

"Except, who's going to go in there?" Joan interrupted.

Several pairs of eyes turned to Angelica.

The girl took a step back. "W-what! You guys are crazy! Go eat your own gun. Better yet, swallow some lighting! I'm not going anywhere near the Overlord!"

"We didn't say you were going anywhere near him," Lisa cut her off. "Just a distraction to get to Clint."

"And where do you suppose he's going to be?" Angelica demanded.

"Near the Overlord of course. Knowing Clint he's probably already blowing the place up." Lisa answered, not missing a beat.

Angelica groaned. "You're going to pay me back big time."

"Of course we are," Joan said. She ignored the glares. "Angelica's basically Clint's half sister. Well she is a in way, she and Clint have different fathers."

The girl flinched. "My father was alcoholic."

"Yeah I know," Joan dismissed her. "That's not the point right now... I could go talk to Ted..."

"The alien? He's not going to give anything to you," Angelica replied still shaking.

"Angelica! Stop calling us aliens!" Lisa roared, spreading her wings. The human squealed and backed up. "We are beings! We are not aliens!"

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