Chapter 2

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"Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." ~Arthur C. Clarke


As a child, Clint had loved science. Oh and history.

He loved American history the most. The thought of being an agent to protect the president of the United States was a dream to him. But thanks to the aliens, the idea had all been but destroyed. Sighing softly, he cupped his cheeks a little and looked out into the darkness.

There was the chirping of the crickets as he kept watch and the moon hung above. All he could hear was the snore of the rebels, their bodies silhouetted against the tents. Clint lifted his hand a little and looked at the blotches of dry blood on them. From the pig he had killed. For meat only.

He looked up into the night again. The stars were twinkling and sparkling. Such a pretty view...

As he watched the sky, a shooting star suddenly blazed across the treetops. Clint felt a desire all of a sudden. A wish.

'I wish I knew my father...' was all he thought as he closed his eyes and begged for the wish. When he opened his eyes, the star was gone. It faded off into the distance.

Clint smiled a little when the star disappeared. Maybe the wish would come true. After this hell was over.

The thought comforted him. Smiling a little, he started up and awake to wander across the territory.

Half away across the universe, a humanoid alien with large wings opened his eyes. His blue eyes looked dimly troubled but as he sensed another's mind connect with his, replaced by the face of a human, his lips curled into what could have been a smile.

The lost prince was out there. And he for sure would not hesitate in finding him.


A hand to the ear clipped Clint awake. Groaning he stirred a little. "Angelica... Go away," he mumbled.

"Wake up!" The voice was Jackie.

He stirred awake. "Wha...?"

"You fell asleep!" Her eyes were dark.

Clint shot up. "I did... Jesus..."

Jackie sighed. "Clint. You were supposed to be a lookout. Not fall asleep."

Clint stretched. "We're fine."

She snorted a little. "Clint. You dreamed something last night didn't you?"

He frowns. "No."

She turns around. "I dreamt of something."

He quickly asked her, "What?"

She shivers then responds, "We were in a battle. We were loosing. The big alien, the creature. He came out of nowhere. He was able to stop you from spraying your fire. He froze you and then knocked you out. I was nearby and I attempted to fight but he got me too."

Clint felt the hair on his neck rise. "I promise that won't happen to us."

She says nothing then says, "Clint. Is it an omen? A bad omen?"

Clint thinks about the shooting star he saw. He remembered his wish. Surely it wasn't a bad omen...? All he had asked for was to his father. He turns and looks back st her. "No it's not," he responded quietly. "I've never met my father, Jackie. I've always wanted to..."

Fall of the Stars: Clint's Story Where stories live. Discover now