Chapter 10

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"Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift." -Dante Alighieri, 'Inferno'


50 million years ago

The time of the dinosaurs was over.

From record, it was over 15 million years ago.

Mammals roamed the planet. The only thing that was made up of life.

There were no humans to walk the earth either. The modern humans wouldn't walk the earth till centuries later, but advanced civilizations which had thrived by now, feared that there would be a civilization that would come out of those ashes. They did not fear the civilization would rise to power, simply fear that they would be destroyed by creatures from another world.

On a distant planet, 600 million light years away, a creature lifted its head as it saw a star blaze across the treetops. It's neck fur bristled in alarm seeing the star fade away from sight. Turning its large head, the creature raised its palm up to reveal a glowing beam of green energy.

"Soon," the creature said, "soon it'll be time."

Rustling emerged from behind him. He turned. Another creature, female, had emerged.

"What are you doing up so late?" She asked him.

"Thinking about the future," he responded turning away.

"We know it would come to this," she said quietly. "You can't walk away from fate. The race will survive. Barely. With the help of the Halfblood."

"That's not it, Nancy. Don't you see violence is inevitable in this?"

"They will have thousands of years to modernize before the war does happen." Nancy fixed her green gaze on him. "By that time, the Child will be born. He'll bring back the earth together, and rise like a storm."

"We won't be here," he mumbled to himself. "Our descendants will not realize how much this will impact us."

Nancy laughs. "Stories are passed down generation to generation, Joseph. They will get the stories. They will contact the Child and warn him of what is to come."

"You're asking for a lot from a teenager," she continued, looking back. "He is only going to be 16 when earth is invaded."

"That is not my problem, Nan," he said affectionately. "He is young in body, but soon enough the powers within him will reawaken. The fire, gravity, ice, lightning, dark energy, and poison. It'll come to him."

"I hope he can control it," Nancy murmured. "It would be a shame to end like his father."

"It will not happen," Joseph says firmly. "I will send an omen."

"I still don't think we should intervene in this," she protested. "It's bad enough with the Zyger civilization rising to power."

He flares at her. "Would you prefer for human race to be destroyed?"

She gave up. "Do it. Hell, I don't care what happens now. Do it if you want."

His eyes gave off that glossy look. "I will make sure my great grandchildren send an omen. An Omen of the Stars."

"Very well," Nancy allowed. "Send an Omen. But let it be known what happens is fate. It cannot be changed."


Present day, 2017

Clint was exhausted.

Blood was rushing from a cut on his neck. The creature lunged at him again and grappled him with his tail. Clint hit the ground not moving.

"Enough is enough," the alien overlord said, waves of fury clearing coming off him. "Surrender to me. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

Clint exhaled feeling a droplet of blood sting against his face. "I'm not going anywhere with you like I said."

"You can't beat me," the king said, not even moving. "A human child cannot beat me. Yet alone, a Halfblood."

Clint slowly dragged himself to his feet. "There is still a chance," he managed.

"You and what army? Your friends are gone," the creature sneered. "You're stuck with me. You will rule beside me. Whether you like it. Or not."

"Try me," Clint retorted.

"Oh, my dear boy. I already have. You can't beat me. Face it, lower your weapon," the creature responded, tucking his wings down from under him.

Clint wasn't paying attention. There was something from behind the creature. It had come from nowhere.

The creature had a fuzzy appearance. It was a girl, her soft feminine curves showed that off. Her eyes were brown in color, but her lips were a deep shade of red. She had hair, blondish hair, that was streaked with brown. She raised her hands.

The creature swirled his head to see what he was looking at. Green fire erupted from the girl's hands, and struck the overlord in the face.

Roaring in pain, the creature pawed at his face. The girl relentlessly kept firing, till there was alien blood pouring out. "Come on," she shouted at Clint. "Lets go!"

"Who are you?" He returned in shock.

"I'm a Pure One," she said. "Same structures of a human, but I have powers. We live 20 million light years away. I'll explain later. Come on!"

The alien was getting up, holding his eye in pain. The girl nudged Clint up and he scrambled to his feet while she fired another green ball. She fired it at the celling this time hoping to leave him in the dark.

She heard the creature roar in rage as the lights went out. She turned to Clint. "The alarms will go off in about thirty seconds, he'll find his way back up in a minute. His eyes will adjust to the dark..."

"Where's Jackie?" He asked.

She shakes her head. "She's fine. Follow me, Silverwing."

"Silverwing?" Clint struggled to catch up.

"It's your Zyger name," she didn't look at him as she turned the corner. "Your human name. It's Clint, isn't it?"

Clint nods breathlessly.

"Jackie's in the escape pod," the girl continued. "Keep up with me. I know your powers are not at your max, but I can teach you."

The lights started to flicker. She cursed as she tasted the air. "He's following us. Come on. If we escape, I can teach you."

"What's your name?" Clint struggled as they found the escape pod.

"My human name..." she pauses and raises her hand to shoot one of the creatures. It's not gravity or fire. It's ice. " Lisa..."

There's a screeching sound followed by the flapping of wings and another creature turns the corner. She twisted her hand and slammed it down. Brambles came down from the ground.

"How the hell do you do that?" Clint shouted as she made the alien's skin be caught in the brambles.

"I'll teach you," she responded as they turned the final corner. To his shock, there were several alien soldiers standing there.

"Shit," Lisa muttered. She looked behind her. Sure enough, Leader Alien was staking towards them. The pod was behind the soldiers. "Your powers," she said lowly. "I'll deal with the king. You burn the others."

"Got it," Clint agreed.

She lifted herself up into the air. Clint watched as she spread something out. Wings. They were indentical to the Leader's, just smaller.

The whole plaza burst into flame.

Fall of the Stars: Clint's Story Where stories live. Discover now