Chapter 8

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"People maybe smiling but look to the eyes because they can't hide the sorrow, pain, and heartache they're trying to hide behind their smile." -Karon Waddell


Clint stuck the stick into the dirt. "We're here."

The group of old Rogues nodded. "The ship is here," Clint continued. "What we are planning to do: Wait for one of the pods to land and rob it. We get to the ship and set the gas bombs. It will knock everyone out within the six mile radius."

"And how big is the ship?" Ethel questioned.

"From calculations, 30 miles wide and 25 of a height. So multiply it." Clint replied.

Ethel rolled her eyes. "Long story short, it's big ship," she mumbled.

"Excatly," Clint agreed. "That's why there'll be two groups. One of us will set fire as a distraction. The others will rush in."

"Can't you just do it?" Ethel questioned.

Joan breaks in. "They'll know it's him if he does it."

"Exactly." Clint nods again. "So you're in charge of the fire, Ethel."

The blonde looked alarmed.

"Don't worry. You don't have to start it. I've literally started it for you." Clint held out his palm, revealing a jar with a small flame. "This."

Ethel's shoulders sagged in relief.

"And since you get to do the dangerous part," Clint continued. "Pick your group."

The blonde's eyes were wide. Clint was actually implying? "Alright... ummm..." she looked back at the shaggy looking group.

"Joan," she decided. "Max. Richard. Maria. Catherine. And David." She finished.

Clint chose the rest of his group. This group involved of men mainly. He was glad however. Ethel had chosen the women for the fire, and he was allowed to pick the men to fight the alien intruders.

"We'll see each other soon, no matter the outcome," Clint promised her. She smiled for once.

"See you then." She agreed.

With that, she turned and fled back into the undergrowth with her group.


The smell of smoke was what Clint was waiting for.

It'd been about three hours. The rebels had scattered around slowly across the plains waiting for the aliens to land their mothership for a refuel. Clint kept his eyes trained on the sky. It was cloudy but not raining.

Clint strained his head over the outcropping where he was perched. He could see a little dot of smoke. Billowing out from the cover of the trees.

"There," Jerry said from behind him.

"I see it. Come on," Clint shouted to the others.

They scrambled out around the cliff. Clint hedged his hands up at the sky. A burst of fire exploded from his palms aiming them at the bulk at the side of the mothership.

"Charge!" He yelled.

The rebels moved silently through the grass. Their footsteps echoed a little as they dashed towards their spot.

Clint's breathing was hard and he didn't pay any attention to what was coming up ahead. A tree suddenly crashed right in front of them. The next thing he knew Jerry was being eaten alive by flames.

Panicking, Clint swerved but this caused Angelica to slam into him hard. She bowled over, falling.

"It's an illusion," another soldier was yelling at him. "He's not really on fire!"

Clint stopped. What?

Jerry was panting. He was okay now.

"What in the world was that?" Angelica asked.

Jerry was wincing in pain. "I don't know. But I'm going this way, far from it."

"Wait. Hold it!" Clint snapped at his friend. Jerry stopped. "You're not going anywhere. We're a team. So no."

Jerry uttered a groan.

"Come on. A little allusion won't stop us," Clint said. "Lets go."

By now the fire was spreading evenly. Clint looked back up at the sky. The mothership was closer now. It was landing. "Get down," Clint ordered through a shout above the roaring motors.

The soldiers crouched down as the motors roared and the ship landed. They were far enough away from it to not be squashed alive. Clint watched as one of the doors opened. Several creatures nimbled out.

The rebels crouched down even harder to avoid detection. Clint prayed that they would not smell him coming downwind. His breath ached and throbbed.

The creatures marched out, wings spread apart evenly before taking off into the sky. "Now," Clint said and deflected gravity. This forced the door to open.

Clint's chest ached as they snuck towards the opening of the door. Thinking quickly, they charged inside. They slaughtered the aliens on guard by burning them alive with Clint's power. Clint turned to the others. "Split up. We'll find Jackie easier. Angelica, come with me."

His sister nodded.

"Others, pick your team," Clint ordered. "But be quick. There is a high risk of being caught."

Murmurs rose up, but no one complained.

Clint turned to Angelica. "Lets go."

With that said, he held her hand and rushed into the glaring red lights.


Angelica was struggling to keep up with Clint as they walked through the ship. Clint killed at least ten creatures, six with gravity and four with fire. He burned their eyes and slammed their neck into the wall.

Angelica had no obligation to this. She didn't even say anything when Clint snapped the neck open. "Lets keep moving," he said.

She agreed. Clint didn't seem to find any other forms of resistance. Where could she be held?

He thought about the prison cells, but maybe not. The alien overlord wanted Clint to be led right to him. Into his little trap. Clint sneered a little getting a look from his sister.

"Where could she be?" She asked.

"The alien wants me headed into his trap." Clint responded. "So not in a cell. She must be in the upper levels."

Alarm flashed in Angelica's eyes. "You're not implying...?"

"If you're chicken, you don't have to come with me," Clint said. "I understand, Angelica."

She shakes her head with tears in her eyes. "You're my brother, Clint. I can't loose you like I did with Mom."

"That choice is yours," he responded turning away. "I have to save her. Wait here. I will be back, I promise." He hands her a gun. She sucks in air sharply.

"Please be safe, Clint." She said. "The alien will pay if he hurts you."

He touches her forehead before turning and disappearing into the darkness.

Fall of the Stars: Clint's Story Where stories live. Discover now