Chapter 23

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"Imagine if you will, creatures as unlike us as it is possible to be; creatures whose technology dwarfed ours as we dwarf the ants. Creatures whose sole purpose was to wipe out all existing life on Earth and replace it with their own. Beings who did not know the meaning of mercy, who were uninterested in dialogue, with whom one could not even plead. That is what we were up against, Henry." -Stephanie Osborn, The Bunker


Don't you dare panic, Kathleen said from inside his head.

What? How are you here? He grew confused.

I'm inside you, remember? Come on, Clint. She sounded dull. Lets get it.

Clint channeled his energy up as the creatures rushed toward him. He focused on the ice as Kathleen said something else he couldn't quite make out. Shards of ice burst from his palms and straight at the creatures. They were taken by surprise, and the icicles went through their heads.

Both of them fell over, but Clint had no chance to even breath. As he stood up, a flash of wings caught his attention. Jack lunged at him and grappled him with his tail. Clint was caught so off guard that he heard Kathleen shriek in pain.

"Don't let your guard down." Jack said slowly circling him. Clint panted for air. He was exhausted. Where would he strike?

Jack lunged at him again, but this time, Clint used gravity and Jack had to use his wings to not fly through the air. He landed neatly and stared at Clint.

Clint's heart sank. How?

Jack didn't lunge at him this time. He raised his palms and lighting shot out, Clint retaliated by trying to fire flames at him. There was a shrieking, crackling sound as both elements met. Clint felt sweat form down his cheeks as both powers slammed into each other, creaking against each other.

Jack added more pressure and Clint felt himself sliding back. He dug his feet in, feeling the heat crackle and hiss. "Come now, Clint." Jack said. "Keep trying...."

Clint took one step back. Jack's eyes light up as Clint falls farther back. The way Jack looks at Clint makes him shiver. It's the way a tiger would look at a piece of meat.

Clint looses his balance and falls over. Jack slowly walks around him, shaking his head. "Pathetic. You won't survive for long like that..."

The other groaned.

"Get up." Jack nudged him with his foot. Clint felt his mouth go dry. "This is just the beginning."

Clint slowly got up, holding his leg. Jack looked him up down. Clint was limping a little, but he didn't seem to care either.

"That was pathetic. An Elite could have beaten you like that," Jack said, looking down at the smoldering dead bodies of the Zyger soldiers. "You were lucky those were just soldiers."

Clint looked down at the creatures. Both of them lay dead. Clint wasn't at all mortified by the sticky wet blood sloshing around his feet. How many times had he done this? Killed one of the Zygers?

Jack looked up at him with what could have been pity but it vanished. "Lets go. Don't think we're finished, Clint."

No, no we're not, he kept silent however and said nothing. He held his breath. He felt tired and irritated. Jack drew his wing up to cover Clint from the stares that the others would surely give him.

Clint felt the shadow of the wing fall over him but he said nothing. He kept silent as Jack led him back to the room.

He had a thudding in his chest. A part of him wanted to see Lisa again. And he didn't care how hard it would be.

He bolted surprisingly to Jack, who shouted after him. Clint ignored him and took off to the escape hatches.

Jack spread his wings and flew after him. He knew where Clint was trying to go. Tapping a thing on his watch, he alerted Bobby of where Clint was going and took an alternate route.

Clint was unaware of this. He kept running, his wings folded. Anything that came in his path, he killed. With just a flick of his wrist, he either burnt the being through crisp or snapped it's neck open.

Clint turned the corner and something hard slammed into him. He barely had time to react before another being was on top of him. "Going somewhere?" The being was unfamiliar to him. Clint roared and tried to swing him but a set of claws were digging into his back. "I don't know how you thought..." the creature uttered.

"Bobby!" Jack had appeared from the corner. "I asked you to handle him gently! Not rear end him!"

Growling, Bobby stepped off him.

Jack looked down at Clint with what could have been amusement. "What a fool you are, Clint. Thinking you could get away."

Clint snarled. "At least I don't kill others for the pleasure of it."

Jack looked sympathetic. "I don't think that, Clint. I don't kill for pleasure. I kill like you do, for survival."

Clint said nothing.

Jack sighed softly. "You should receive punishment..."

Bobby added in, "Make it hurt!"

"No." Jack waved him off. "A prince does not deserve punishment. I've seen that he doesn't like to kill things. He gets all fed up when he sees blood. I'll just make him kill things."

"I'm not doing any of that," Clint retorted. "I'm not doing anything."

"Jack," Bobby warned.

"Don't worry." Jack looked on amused. "He can't resist us in the end. Clint, I suggest you get up and follow me back to your room. Try anything like that again, and..."

Clint rolled his eyes.

Jack watched him thoughtfully. This might work. "Bobby get him back to his room. Don't try anything stupid, both of you."

Bobby looked behind him. "You heard him, lets go."


Jack leaned in close. "What's that?"

"I'm not going anywhere with him," Clint defended.

Jack held up one of his hands and started to caress Clint's cheek. "I don't think I've made myself, Clint. Once you try to escape, privileges are stripped away. Now, go with Bobby."

Clint looked back at Bobby. The larger creature was stretching his wings a little, flexing them too. "Fine." The boy muttered.

Jack smiled and looked relieved. "Thank you, Clint. But do that again and I will certainly think about stripping you with a power cuff."

"What's that?" Clint frowned.

"Something that restricts you of your abilities," Bobby answered. "And something that my brother will not hesitate to you."

Clint met Jack's gaze. He would not let the alien take his power. "What do you want?"

"To talk," Bobby answered with a grin.

Clint nodded. "Fine."

Jack quickly leaves, seeing them engaged in a conversation. Clint watches as the doors slams behind him.

Leaving him alone with the Other Leader.


Sorry this was only from Clint's point of view on this chapter. I'll try to get two points of view on the next chapter!!💖💖💖

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