Chapter 11 Part 1

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Athena's POV

It was rather an eventful week; filled with Frankenstein's teasing remarks, embarrassing moments (for me, don't get me started >.<) and a few moments with Sir Raizel alone (Frankenstein planned it; that devious peacock!), I am certainly beat. It's already night time and I stand outside the mansion, gazing at the full moon in all its glory. I was wearing a white night night gown and tied my white hair up to a pony tail. The wind was cold but it didn't bother me. I was too busy sorting out my feelings when something warm brushed over my shoulders.

"Sir Raizel..." I muttered under my breath when I saw him putting his coat over my shoulders while having a calm face.

"It's getting cold, Athena, why are you outside?" He asked me. I turned back to the moon and answered, "I was...thinking about some things." He didn't question anything after that but remained by my side, also staring at the dark horizon. The silence was strangely calm. Secretly, I looked at him. I couldn't help but admire him; despite the burden of his responsibilities, he remains calm and collected and his wisdom was, without a doubt, flawless. His physical features aren't that bad as well; his black hair, his ruby red eyes and his pale complexion.

"It's nearly here, isn't it?" Suddenly, he spoke, making me blink in confusion, "Sir?"

He turned to me and said, "The 14th day of the second month...The night where the Alstreim family was massacred."

I stared at him for a while and huffed and with a smile, stared back at the moon, "That's right."

" the day of my birth."

And then there was silence. I couldn't see his face but I guess he's shocked to know that the night my family was murdered was the night I celebrated by birthday. Everyone was present since I was coming of age and was deemed the soon to be clan leader of the Alstreim Clan.

I turned to him and asked, "Would you like to hear a story?"



(Younger Athena)

Mama and Papa are out again. Geez, they're always busy and have less time with me. Don't they care that my birthday is almost a few months away?

'Whatever.' I thought as I stomped along the large corridors of our mansion. The maids were busy tidying up the place and the guards were doing their usual patrol. Although there were only a few, papa made sure that they are capable enough to fend off strong enemies if ever that time comes.

"Young Lady! Wait up!" A cute little voice caught up to me along with the sound of footsteps running. I put my hands on my hips and huffed, "Really Casper, I already told you a thousand times that you shouldn't run."

"I'm very sorry Young La--ouch!" He touched his forehead I just flicked. He began to get ready eyed.

"And I told you more than a thousand times that you should not call me Young Lady." I sighed, "Aren't you supposed to be my younger sibling?" He looked the other way, still ready eyed  and pouted, "Not your real sibling..." I heard him mutter, earning him another flick in the forehead, "Hey stop that! It hurts you know!"

"What do you mean 'not your real sibling'?" I practically yelled at him, unable to control my emotions, "Listen up, it doesn't matter if you're adopted or not." I slapped both of my hands on his cheeks, making them red, "You are Casper Lucas Alstreim, my younger brother. MINE, you get that?"

"Noona." He muttered under his breath and gave me a toothy smile and nodded, "Yeah!"

I smiled, 'Honestly, this boy...' I turned around while my right hand remained extending to him, "Let's go? I heard that they are making cookies." I turned to him and grinned, "Let's go get some~"

He chuckled, "Don't you mean the other one?"

I raised my eyebrow teasingly," Oh?"

Nevertheless, he ran with me. Our hands held each other tight, not willing to let go.

(3 years later; 2 months before birthday)
3rd Person's POV

"Genesis, where are you going?" An older, more mature male voice asked the white haired female, who was walking the opposite way of where she was told to go, "Miss Geraldine is waiting for you at the library. You're going to discuss the preparations for your coming of age ceremony."

"It's fine, it's not like she would die if I don't go right?" Athena replied nonchalantly as she continued walking. Casper sighed exhasperatedly, "Really Noona..."

He continued to follow her until they were facing a cave covered by vines. Casper was surprised to see this here. He had been to every corner of their land and never had he seen this before. He turned to his older sister who was about to enter, "Hey, wait a minute!"

Athena rolled her eyes at her brother's worrywart nature, "Don't worry, I've been here a few times already. It's safe."

Though hesitant, he accompanied her inside the cave. It was dark and a bit damp and there were clicking noises that probably, no, definitely came from centipedes that brought the chills to Casper's spine, 'I want to go home now.' He thought to himself.

"Hey, Noona, how much further?" He whined. Athena didn't bother turn around when she answered him, "We're almost there."


"A-Awesome!" Casper couldn't help but shout out. The place was beautiful--no, beyond extraordinary! The stalactites were all huddled together and just below them was a rock that formed a table. Just in front was a statue of a woman. The rest of the place were covered with crystal clear water and beautiful flowers.

"I found this place not a few months ago. This is were I like to think and relax." She told him as she walked to the edge of where they were standing, "Beautiful isn't it?"

Casper nodded. Athena stared at the cracked wall, where the sun's rays entered in and illuminated her face, "Say, Casper...."

"Would you like to hear a secret?"


Hai! I'll end the story there! Thank you for reading minna! Don't forget to vote and share this story to your friends who love Noblesse as much as you (and I *wink) do. Luv lots~

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