Chapter 3

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[Athena's POV]

I rested from my duties for a few days until the they decided that I was well enough to continue my task, which is to become the Noblesse's personal, how do you call it, companion. My things are already transported to the mansion so all there is left is me getting my ass out of here and to my new residence.

"I'll try and visit you when I'm done with my training." Lazark gave me a quick pat on the back but I gave him a big bear hug, "I'm going to miss you Lazark."

He may not show it because of his mask and infamous poker face reputation, I felt him smile nonetheless, "It's not like we're not going to see each other soon."

I chuckled, "I suppose." Then I turned to the young Rael and Raskreia, both looking at me with those sad but cute red eyes, "Hey, you guys would visit me too right?"

"Of course!"

I smiled and gave them both a hug before turning my back, "Off I go then."


The place wasn't as far as I thought it would be or is it just me and my speed? I'm now in front of the Noblesse's mansion, waiting for something to me. Oh forget the cover ups, I'm scared beyond my wits. Here I am standing in front of the house of the most powerful Noble in all of the world and there's not a single second that passed when I wouldn't flinch when I hear a sound that turns out to be the wind.

"This is so embarassing." I muttered under my breath. Why am I scared anyways? Just realizing my childish behavior I straightened myself up and opened the door, already knowing that no one's going to open it for me. My eyes widened when I saw the interior of the house; marvelous.

I did not waste any time and began to look for him. One by one I opened the doors of the house until I stared upon the last door. This has got to be it, I thought. Twisting the knob, I immediately placed my right hand over my chest and bowed slightly, alreay feeling his presence, "Greetings, I am Athena Genesis Alstreim. I was sent here per the Lord's request."

Silence was what welcomed me. I opened my eyes and saw that the person I was going to serve as my new master was no more than a boy a bit older than I am. Probably years older. Even though he was not looking at my direction I could feel the aura that he was emitting but disappeared when he noticed that I was staring at him.

Conscious, I bowed again, "I apologize. I should have waited for you instead of barging in without your consent. Please do forgive me."

He didn't say anything nor did anything. He just stared at me with those eyes of his that just gave me the shivers. I opened my eyes, still on my bowing position, curious as to what was happening. I saw him turn back to the open window that showed the large white moon just above us. I wanted to ask him if he needed anything but decided not to. Standing straight, I stood by the door waiting for him to order me to do his will.

He didn't move from that place, as did I. Silence loomed over the place and I just can't seem to stand still without doing anything. Gathering up my courage, I spoke in the most polite manner, "Sir, may I please excuse myself for a bit?"

Surprisingly, he turned to me and nodded ever so slightly. I found that small act...cute. Noticing that my cheeks are probably in that embarrassing color, I bowed frantically and almost stumbled on the way out. I hissed at my own behavior and continued pulling strings of cusses as I went to find my room as fast as I could and return immediately.

"By the gods Athena, stumbling and blushing? How embarrassing for a Clan Leader like you." I mumbled while walking back to his room. I closed my eyes and brought the book to my face and squeezed it, "That was sooooo embarrassing. He must've seen it and was weirded out!" I face-palmed myself while imagining the thought. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thought before entering the room again, "I have returned. I hope that you wouldn't mind that I bring this here."

He turned around again and this time, he moved from his spot and sat down on the chair just in front of me and of course, me being myself, just stood there with my mouth open. Realizing this, I immediately shut my mouth closed before asking, "Do you need anything sire?"

Adding more to my shock, he answered me in soft voice, "Tea."

I am very aware that I am blushing right now after hearing his voice but I bowed immediately after receiving his request, "Right away."




"Damn it, you forgot to ask what kind of tea he likes you to brew!"
I mentally scolded myself. Here I am, standing in front of the kitchen counter with a kettle and some ingredients for tea and was about to start my merry way when I realized that I had forgotten that very important fact.

"I think that he would like whatever you would make him." I said to myself, "But what if he doesn't like what I made him?" Then the answer is simple Athena, you're screwed.In frustration, I buried my face with my hands, hoping that it would provide some sort of answer to my dilemma but to no avail. Sighing, I decided to just make him the tea that I am sure that everyone knows about; lavender tea. Now that I think about it, he did look really stressed so I think that lavender would suit the situation just fine.

I returned to the room with the freshly brewed lavender tea on my hand, to find him in the same position as to when I left. I gave him the tea and waited for him to critic my work. He gracefully took the cup into his mouth and took a sip. His eyes widened and so did mine. Not because I know that he favors it but the fact that it looked like this was the first time he ever tasted lavender tea.

It didn't take long for him to finish it. I saw his shoulders relax and his face soften up a bit. Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Are you okay now?"

I was shocked and so was he. Can't do anything about that now and besides, it's only natural for someone like you to ask if the ones they serve is comfortable or not. I waited for him to answer but it would seem that my question shocked him for some reason. I was about to say to him that he can ignore my question when he spoke, "Your good."


He looked at me and said with a straight face, "It's good."

I smiled in relief, "I'm glad." He looked back to his teacup again, as if curious about the pleasant smelling liquid that he just tasted awhile ago. I decided to answer his curiosity, "That was lavender tea; it's an herbal tea that helps you relax. I noticed that you were a bit stressed and kind of sad just a moment earlier. I hope it is to your liking."

One surprise after another, he gave me the faintest of smiles and said, "Thank you."

He stood up and went towards the door. My eyes followed him, curious as to where he is going at this hour.

"Where are you going?"
I asked him.

He turned around, facing me and said calmly, "The Lord summons me. Come."
I didn't wait another second and immediately trailed behind him, unconscious of the smile that was etched on my face.

For You I Will (Noblesse OC Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz